C Algorithms – Graph Theory

The graph theory refers to the study of graphs. A graph is a mathematical object that captures the notion of connection. For example, you want to connect two or more dots that could be considered a graph. Leonhard Euler is the inventor of graph theory, as he tried to solve the known problem of the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg.The townspeople supposedly posed the question “Is it possible to take a walk through town, crossing each of the seven bridges just once, and ending up wherever you started?”A representation of the… Read More

C Algorithms – Gnome Sort

Gnome sort is an extremely simple sorting algorithm, very similar to insertion sort. Also, it is another comparison and exchange sort. You could say that it looks like bubble sort, and you would be right. How it works: In gnome sort, two adjacent elements are compared, and if they are in the wrong order, they are swapped. The comparison continues with the next element, and the same condition is checked, but the order is wrong, a swap takes place, and after the swap, the lower element is now compared to… Read More

C Algorithms – Comb Sort

Comb sort is a simple sorting algorithm which improves on bubble sort. The main idea for this type of algorithm is to eliminate the small values near the end of the list, as these slow down the sorting process. How it works: In comb sort, the main usage is of gaps. For example, in bubble sort the gap between two elements was 1 whilst here the gap starts out as a large value and shrinks until it reaches the value 1, when it practically becomes bubble sort. The shrink factor… Read More

C Algorithms – Bucket Sort

Bucket sort is a sorting algorithm that works by inserting the elements of the sorting array intro buckets, then, each bucket is sorted individually. The idea behind bucket sort is that if we know the range of our elements to be sorted, we can set up buckets for each possible element, and just toss elements into their corresponding buckets. We then empty the buckets in order, and the result is a sorted list. It is similar to radix sort. How it works: Initially we have to set up an array… Read More

C Algorithms – Quick Sort

Quick sort is a comparison sort developed by Tony Hoare. Also, like merge sort, it is a divide and conquer algorithm, and just like merge sort, it uses recursion to sort the lists. It uses a pivot chosen by the programmer, and passes through the sorting list and on a certain condition, it sorts the data set. How it works: A pivot is chosen from the elements of the data set. The list must be reordered in such a way that the elements with the value less than the pivot… Read More

What is Exploratory Testing

Is exploratory testing similar to an ad-hoc test or monkey testing?  Among software testers, there is admittedly, still some confusion with regard to the term "exploratory testing".  The confusions lie in its technicalities; An exploratory test is almost similar to monkey testing or an ad-hoc testing and these 3 testing methods are unscripted in their nature. The term ‘exploratory testing’ was first publicly used by Cem Kaner in the book “Testing Computer Software”. Another known pioneer of exploratory testing is James Bach.  The definition provided by Bach states that, “Any… Read More

C Algorithms – Merge Sort

Merge sort is another comparison based sorting algorithm. Also, it is a divide and conquer algorithm, which means the problem is split into multiple simplest problems and the final solution is represented by putting together all the solutions. How it works: The algorithm divides the unsorted list into two sub-lists of about half the size. Then sort each sub-list recursively by re-applying the merge sort and then merge the two sub-lists into one sorted list. Step by step example : Having the following list, let’s try to use merge sort… Read More

C Algorithms – Counting Sort

Counting sort is a sorting algorithm that is not based on comparison like most other methods. This method of sorting is used when all elements to be sorted fall in a known, finite and reasonably small range. How it works: The algorithm refers to finding for each element a[i] the number of elements from the array that are lower than it. Step by step example : Having the following list, let;s try to use counting sort to arrange the numbers from lowest to greatest: Unsorted list, the array A contains… Read More

C Algorithms – Heap Sort

Heapsort is a comparison based algorithm. It bases on building a heap tree from the data set, and then it removes the greatest element from the tree and adds it to the end of the sorted list. There are two ways to do this, either to add the highest value to the root of the tree, or as one of the left/right child with the greatest depth. How it works: The heap tree is built according to the data set. Then the greatest value is move to the root of… Read More

C Algorithms – Selection Sort

Selection sort, also called naive (selection) sort, is an in-place comparison sort. It may look pretty similar to insertion sort, but it performs worse. It is a quite simple sorting algorithm, and may perform better than more complicated algorithms in particular cases, for example in the ones where the auxiliary memory is limited. How it works: First it finds the smallest number in the array and exchanges it with the element from the first position, then it finds the second smallest number and exchanges it with the element from the… Read More

C Algorithms – Radix Sort

Radix sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts the data, integers for example, by splitting the numbers into individual digits and comparing the individual digits sharing the same significant position. Also, a positional notation is required, because instead of integers there could be strings of characters or floating point numbers. The radix sort can be classified into 2 types: LSD (least significant digit) or MSD (most significant digit). The LSD sorting type begins from the least significant digit to the most significant digit and the MSD works the other way… Read More

C Algorithms – Shell Sort

Shell sort is a generalization of the Insertion Sort, it sorts subsequences that become increasingly higher, until it is reached the value n – the total number of elements. Each subsequence i is determined by a number h_i called increment. Also, the increments must satisfy the following condition: h_t > h_t-1 > h_t-2 > … > h_2 > h_1 Step by step example : Having the following list, let’s try to use shell sort to arrange the numbers from lowest to greatest: Unsorted list: 16, 4, 3, 13, 5, 6,… Read More

C Algorithms – Insertion Sort

Insertion sort is a simple comparison sorting algorithm, that considers at a step k, the elements of the array A[0,k-1] are already sorted out, and the element on the k position will be inserted that way that after the insertion, the elements A[0,k] are sorted out. Inserting the k element in the A[0,k-1] sequence requires a few steps: the element must be retained in a temporal variable; moving all the elements from the A[0,k-1] array that are greater than A[k] with a position to the right (this presumes a run… Read More

C Algorithms – Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm, which compares repeatedly each pair of adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the incorrect order. At the first run, the highest element of the list ends on the last place of the sorted list, and then, at the following run, the next highest element ends on one position lower than the previous element and so on. The initial list is finally sorted, when at a run, no swaps occur. Even though it’s one of the simplest sorting algorithms, it’s almost… Read More

C Algorithms – The Problem of Sorting the Elements

In this tutorial, I will talk a little about the classification, stability and complexity of each algorithm, more regarding this you can read a little bit lower of this article. Then, the advantages or disadvantages of each algorithm are shown, which should give you the big picture of each algorithm. In the end there is a conclusion to sum things up or maybe to emphasis certain things. Sorting the elements is an operation that is encountered very often in the solving of problems. For this reason, it is important for… Read More

How to Close a Project Properly

Properly closing a given project is very similar to many of the other processes which are commonly associated with project management. The reason I say this is because there are both outputs and inputs which are connected to the closing of the project, along with the tools and methods which are used to make sure it is done smoothly. Ending a Project Properly There are a number of inputs which are used in the closing of a project, and most of these inputs are utilized for the purpose of validating… Read More

Using the Gantt Chart for Project Management

What is the Gantt Chart? The Gantt Chart is basically a bar chart which is used in the field of project management for showcasing the project management schedule. A Gantt chart will generally showcase both the starting date for a project, as well as the end date, and it will also feature various elements which are connected to the project. Terminal elements typically featured on the Gantt chart, and summary elements may be added as well. These two elements are responsible for comprising the work breakdown structure for the project.… Read More

Software for Project Management

There are a variety of different software programs that are used in the field of project management, and they often fall under different categories. For example, some of the software which project managers and their teams may use include budget management software, scheduling software, and resource allocation software. These are just a few of the different software types which are used, and they are most often useful when it comes to handling large projects which are very complex. While project management software packages carry out a variety of different tasks,… Read More

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

No matter how well the PM plans out their project, in most situations, things will not go exactly as planned. The entire project team must take the time to develop the plan, and this task should not simply be left up to the project manager. What this ensures is that the experience of the entire team should always be considered, and each person must be committed and feel as though they have an ownership in the project. Having said that, one thing that good project teams should always consider developing… Read More

Risk Control Within Project Management

Studies have shown that when project managers take the time to incorporate risk management into their projects, the projects tend to become much more successful. As the name suggests, risk management involves the control of the various risk factors which are related to a project. It requires you to not only monitor the project, but take the time to review potential risks, as well as making crucial decisions which involve dealing with potential dangers to the project. The combination of risk management in conjunction with project management is quite new,… Read More

Projects Risk Analysis

Almost all businesses today involves certain degree of risk. Some of the risks that business owners face on a day-to-day basis includes changing trends, customer habits, or the appearance of fresh competitors. Evaluate the Risks for Your Project There are a number of things which could occur that are simply outside your control, things which could cause major delays when it comes to the completion of your project. Despite this, developing a risk evaluation and management system can allow you to fight against the unexpected. The reason for this is… Read More

Project Risk Management Process

Whenever an organization embarks on a project, there will be a variety of different threats that this project will face. Some of these will come in the form of circumstances which are unforseen, and they could cause the cost of time of the project to explode. While project managers and risk owners can take the time to address and alleviate as many potential risks as possible, the reality is that it is impossible to consider every possible scenario that could occur. While risk management is typically seen as a solution… Read More

Project Management Change Control

Change Control Overview In the world of project management, change control is best described as the process which is responsible for the management of change. The standard method which is used for managing the change within a typical PM project is called the Change Control form. When this form is used, it will basically be utilized for the purpose of comprising the scope of the change, as well as the impact which is made to the project. Once it has been approved, it will be placed within the project master… Read More

Project Plan Structuring Process

It is very important for the project manager to take the time to plan the project, and this includes the initiation as well as the specification phases. It will also be necessary for project managers to work with the stakeholders, not only for the initiation phases for the project, but also for the planning and specifications as well. It will first be necessary to offer a name for the project, a name that will act as a clear overview of it as well as its scope. It may also be… Read More

Project Management Structure and Variables

The Project Management Triangle The most basic structure for project management is called the PM triangle. As with any project that requires a group of humans to reach towards a goal, a project must be completed successfully under specific circumstances. While there are many circumstances or constraints that a project may face, three of the best known as cost, scope, and time. It is these three factors that form the structure of the PM triangle. When the constraints are refined to a much higher degree, performance can also be thought… Read More

Project Management Approach

A project is best described as an endeavor which is finite, one which is carried out so that either a product or service can be created. The reason why a project is described as being finite is because it differs from a process or permanent system, in which the goal is to repeatedly create a product for extended periods of time. The management for both is quite different. What is Project Management? Project management is the field that involves the planning and handling of resources that allows a team to… Read More

Creating Project Cost Estimates

For most projects, the highest costs will be connected to the team members. When you consider this, the wisest manner in which cost estimates should be made will be through the creation of a project schedule (via a program such as Microsoft Project), which has resource management functions that give you the ability to measure the different types and amounts of labor. When cost estimates are made for projects, they are usually accomplished through the sum of estimates for the separate elements which make up the project. The pieces could… Read More

C Programming – Data Types : Part 2

Structure A struct is an aggregate type, meaning that it is made up of other objects. The objects that make up a struct are called its members. The members of a struct may be accessed by the ‘.’ or ‘->’ operators. A struct may be named or unnamed. Let’s look at some examples: #include      struct person    {            char first[100];            char last[100];            int  age;            struct {                    char addrline[500];                   char city[100];                   char state[30];                   char zip[15];           } address;   };  … Read More

Comparison Between SDLC Models

The SDLC, better known as the Software Development Life Cycle, is a term which is used to describe the development of software. In many cases, when companies and firms work with or develop new hardware, they will make the decision to outsource the work, and this will play an important role in the implementation of the software. The SDLC Models There are a number of different SDLC models available, and they are designed by experts who specialize in software development. Fresh SDLC models are being introduced all the time, and… Read More

Project Control Systems

To develop a deeper understanding of project management, it is first important to become familiar with project control systems. Project control could be thought of as an element within a project which is responsible for making sure it is on track, as well as on time and within the defined budget. Project control should start early on within the project, and it should only end once the project has gone through the implementation review. The Five Project Management Elements Traditionally, there are five methods which are associated with project management,… Read More

Project Manager

Who is the Project Manager? The Project Manager, also referred to as a PM for short, is an individual who works in the field of project management. Project Managers are often the heads of company or organizational projects, and they are responsible for the execution, planning, and the closing of a given project, especially those projects which are connected to computer networking, architecture, or the development of software. While these are the fields in which project managers are typically employed in, it is by no means an exhaustive list. Most… Read More

What is End-to-End Testing

Software testing is an important aspect of software quality assurance. It represents the final process to ensure the correctness and fineness of the product. A quality software product always increases the customer confidence and satisfaction. In other words, a premium product means zero defects, bugs and errors, which are derived from a better quality process in testing. Designing and creating a software is a difficult process, because it needs proper testing by using different methods. Many software products are very complex and they have different concurrent subsystems that perform different… Read More

What is Dynamic Testing

Dynamic testing or dynamic analysis is an intricate process of inspecting and evaluating software applications as the user uses them. In sharp contrast, static tests are conducted on an application when it is not in use. Dynamic testing evaluates the software applications that work under different environments. Software testing is an intricate process of inspecting, evaluating and examining software during and after the developmental process. However, dynamic test is very important to evaluate software, before its release to market, so that you can verify that all its features are working.… Read More

What is Database Testing

Database testing is perhaps the most important test that can check the overall functionality of the software. A complete software system will enhance functionality of different aspects like stored functions, stored procedures, and triggers. Database testing is almost similar to regression testing as it can run automatically to ensure the integrity and robustness of the database layer of the software. There are enough reasons that compel us to conduct database testing on a regular basis. Data sets are an essential feature of a software product. It is very important to… Read More

What is Cross Browser Testing

A web page is created to have an online presence. Visitor traffic is a very important factor for online success. One of the variables that significantly affect the web pages’ accessibility to the targeted visitors is the web browser. However several browsers are currently in use and each of these web browser interprets the HTML tags differently, thus affecting the web pages’ appearance and accessibility. Web pages may appear and function differently, depending on the computer hardware and software configurations. There is always an ongoing and concurrent innovation or development… Read More

OOAD Classes

Understanding the Ways in which Classes are Connected Inheritance is a very important concept within the object oriented programming paradigm. Inheritance is essentially comprised of the merger of two simple concepts, which are reuse and abstractions. To begin with, you may recognize that two constructs, such as X and Y, have something which relates them together. If you do not wish to deal with this shared aspect more than once, then you have the option of creating a construct called Z that will be responsible for holding the commonality, taking… Read More

OOAD Objects Interactions

How Objects Interact Within the world of OOAD, the interaction of objects will occur within patterns, and these patterns may be broken down into two categories, which are different because of the roles which are associated with the participants. The first of these patterns is the event producer object and one or more objects which are connected to the event consumer. The consumer interaction which is associated with the producer may make use of communication which is one-way. Some examples of this include the items on a menu, a buyer… Read More

OOAD Object Dynamics

Understanding Behavior It is important to consider the importance of behavior when it comes to objects which are dynamic. Describing a behavior can become notoriously difficult with respect to OOAD. Physics will borrow numerous concepts from mathematics, such as differential equations in order to describe entities which change, as well as gases, fluids, or things of this nature. The ways in which the entities behave within the domains are important, but they will often be incapable of offering satisfaction for differential equations. Even something relatively basic such as the piston… Read More

OOAD Objects Relationships

What are Relationships? It is important to take into consideration the static similarities that often exist among the objects. This means that you must also take into consideration the connections which are made with ER modeling. For instance, the Ownership relation is responsible for making a connection with the Client class and the Account class. The relationship may be found within a group of tuples which are typed. They will be typed within the sense that the nth element within the tuple is the instance for the set domain or… Read More

OOAD Object Statics

Instances Objects encompass both tangible as well as non-tangible concepts. Some examples which are considered to be non-tangible include electronic transactions, newspaper articles, or phone calls. There will be times when it is necessary to speak of a specific instance within your system model. For instance, the bank may be comprised of a number of important system accounts. You may wish to describe employees, as well as executive officers. At the same time, the collection of classes will generally be described. The term "class" is used to describe a group… Read More

OOAD Analysis

Analysis in Software Development is Crucial The process of creating an artifact which is complex is prone to some errors. One reason for this is because of the intangibility that comes from the results which are intermediate when developing a software product. Studies have shown that the costs involved with fixing errors have increased costs, and these errors may occur at various stages of the software development life cycle. What this means is that software development teams must place a heavy emphasis on saving money and reducing errors as much… Read More

OOAD Development Phases and Prototypes

Software Development Models Very few software developers can resist the allure of the waterfall model. Software Experts agree that the information gathered downstream can be responsible for altering decisions which were made upstream, and because of this, they violate the basic sequence development algorithms. The conceptualization of a process for development where an individual can backtrack from any point to a previous one has brought about the introduction of the fountain idea, where you assume that the requirements are located near the bottom of the target system. The development process… Read More

OOAD Development Paradigms

OOAD Applications The paradigm which is associated with OOAD is connected to many of the programming languages which are classified as being third generation. Two of these languages are COBOL as well as Fortran. The procedure constructs for these programming languages allow for abstraction mechanisms which are highly robust. Behavior which is highly advanced may be taken from units which are much more basic. The fundamental structure for programming languages such as Algo allow for syntactic support, particularly for layers which are arbitrary. Once these are applied to the creation… Read More

OOAD Design Analysis Implementation

What is Design Analysis Implementation (DAI)? Due to the expanding usage of various forms of technology, a need has been created for a system which is integrated, one which allows concurrent design, as well as modeling. Right now, the ability to design various technological tools is based on programming systems which are offline. The capability for these design systems exist independent of the analysis or modeling capability. It is important to consider the implementation of a system which is integrated, one that can be used through the design phases for… Read More

OOAD and Software Architecture

Transition for Object Oriented Techniques Over the last few years, a number of changes have been made with regard to object oriented techniques. Along with transition, there has been a modification in terms of the role and view of software development methods, with the well-established usage of the early stages for software development projects, including system specification as well as the analysis of requirements. Object oriented techniques are being viewed more when it comes to the provision of the intellectual support which is necessary throughout the entire spectrum for the… Read More

UML Usage in OOAD

Standard UML Usage In most cases, UML will be used for the purpose of analyzing and designing software programs. There are a number of variations within the object oriented analysis world, but many of them have goals which are more or less identical. Object oriented analysis typically wish to define the primary usage scenarios which exist for the system, but from the view point of distinct users. Object oriented analysis variations also wish to define the interactions which exist among both the system as well as the user, particularly when… Read More

How OOAD is used in the Real World

Real World Applications for OOAD There are a number of ways in which the OOAD method for software modeling may be used in the real world. It can be used quite well with control systems that operate in real time. OOAD can work very well with real time systems, and it does not matter whether they are medium or large. There is a big difference between theory and practice, and the problem with so many software development theories is that they are just that, theories. At some point, you must… Read More

Object Oriented Design Building Blocks

Architectural specifications are very useful because they offer software a structure which is very coherent. Coherence can be best achieved through the usage of manifestations which are formal, and the reason for this is because it allows for a representation for the architecture which is verifiable. A number of ADLs, or Architecture Description Languages, have been designed for this purpose, and every one of them are derived from the theory which has already been created. At the same time, there are some techniques which are idiosyncratic when it comes to… Read More

Object Oriented Design

Object-oriented design can be best thought of as the process by which a system is planned, a system which is comprised of objects that interact with each other. These objects will interact with each other so that they are capable of dealing with software issues. Object-oriented design forms an important foundation for OOAD, and is just one of the many approaches which is used for the creation of software applications. Within the field of software development, an object is comprised of data and procedures which are encapsulated. When objects are… Read More

OOAD Introduction

Object-oriented analysis and design is a software engineering model which makes use of objects, classes, state, methods and behavior concepts to analyze and demonstrate system structure, functional needs and behavior. While Object-oriented analysis emphasizes the things that a system actually does, the object oriented design is concerned with the manner in which the system does it. One thing that you must keep in mind is that the object oriented system will always be comprised of objects. The behavior for the system is a result for the connection that is made… Read More

People Skills – Why Networking Skills are Important

How important it is to meet new people every now and then? If you come to think of it, you can be settled with the current circle of friends that you already have. But there is a constant need to get yourself acquainted to new faces and further relations with people in both your personal and public or work life. In a more technical aspect, this is called networking. Networking is more like expanding your list of friends, but it is more than making friends. When you expand your network,… Read More

People Skills – Why Questioning Skills are Important

How do you expect to get the right kind of information from a communication dialogue? Unless the speaker provides you with the facts and details, you will never find out about the many other things you want to discover if you do not ask questions. Questioning is but a part of an exchange in communication between and among individuals. It is a key tool to learning new knowledge, clearing out confusions and misunderstanding, and in resolving issues. Asking questions is a skill that needs to be honed. By mastering the… Read More

People Skills Tips and Strategies

Humans are born to be social beings. Given this fact, individuals ought to mingle with each other every day through interaction and communication. It is nearly impossible for a single human being not to communicate with another individual in a lifetime. People constantly communicate, interact and exchange ideas on just about anything. But because every individual has a unique personality, not every person is gifted with the ability to deal with people effectively. In many instances and circumstances, you may have come to a realization that getting along with people… Read More

People Skills – Why Negotiation Skills are Important

At one point or another, you may have realized that in your communication and interaction with the people around you, there are times when you could not agree on something and you would prefer to have it your way more than what the other person suggests or wants. In order to win it, you make a compromise that would seem amenable to you and the other person. It could also be that the other person will offer a deal which may seem acceptable enough to the both of you. This… Read More

What is Concurrent Testing

Computerization has become an integral part of human life in the modern world and so is the software that runs them. Human interactions with these systems software are very complex. Modern appliances and gadgets at home, cars, banks, factories, schools, airplanes, and critical life-support devices use software products to run their functions. System failures will not only cause inconveniences and bitter experiences, they can also have serious consequences like loss of lives and properties. It is imperative that software developers develop numerous specifications for software reliability. Testing is still the… Read More

What is Compatibility Testing

Computer software has become an integral part of people’s lives although many people are still not really aware of it. Various software have been developed to help people in the way they do their jobs, transact business, study, travel, shop, and in many other important activities. Manufacturing operations are more efficient and less costly, transactions are faster and convenient, medical examinations are more thorough and less painful or invasive and many hazardous activities are now safer because of the various software and hardware installed in the machines used. The use… Read More

How to Persuade Others

Do you have what it takes to persuade people? Not every individual is gifted with a persuasive ability. In order to possess the power of persuasion, you must also demonstrate strong people skills. Many individuals tend to think of persuasion skill as challenging to manifest. Those who have developed the ability usually get things done their way and achieve goals more quickly and easily than people who are not that persuasive enough. Leaders are known to have good persuasion skills. Otherwise, they will not be in the position and will… Read More

Why do you need People Skills ?

Imagine living a life on your own, shying away from the rest of the world. This seems impossible as majority of what you do every single day is to interact and communicate with people in one way or another. People interact in just about any situation, yet because every individual has a unique personality, the ability to deal with others also varies from one person to another. People interaction may not be an easy skill to acquire but everybody requires it, nonetheless. Mastery of people skill is challenging to individuals… Read More

People Skills – Effective Listening Skills

A necessary requirement for having strong people skills is the ability to communicate effectively. Effective communication is always a two-way process: one person talks and the other listens. You must understand that this is the basic guiding principle in communication. So, after polishing and mastering the art of expressing your thoughts and feelings effectively, the next goal should be to hone your listening ability. With poor listening skills, you will have difficulties in properly communicating your message to others. In turn, poor communication skills also hinder your aim of developing… Read More

What is Empathy?

Dealing with different individuals is an integrated part of life. You get to encounter the same faces each day, and you also bump into new acquaintances. It just seems to be easy relating to those you have shared a few encounters already more than the people whom you simply met once or twice. In a job that requires you to empathize with customers, the task can be a challenging one given the fact that these are people you barely even know and yet you are asked to put yourself in… Read More

How to Build Professional Rapport

Building rapport and creating connections is an essential aspect of relating to people. In personal as well as professional setting, building a connection with whom you interact with makes it easy for you to attain what you want. Many successful companies use the secret of building rapport with its customers as one of the powerful weapons owing to its success. More than improvising its products and services, the focus is also on keeping good and strong relationships with the clients by establishing that connection even after the sales. This makes… Read More

How to Build Professional Relationships

It is inevitable that people will interact with each other in various aspects and dimensions. People interact with different individuals during social activities; they also interact when bonding with family and friends, and participating with other people in community activities. People need each other to survive and get through life’s difficulties. Whether you intend to establish a long-lasting bond with those personally attached to you or with whom you constantly deal with outside of personal relations, your challenge is how to keep the connection intact and nourished. Given the fact… Read More

What is Comparison Testing

Comparison Testing – Comparing the Software with Other Products In simple words, comparison testing is a type of testing, where testers compare a software product’s strengths and weaknesses with other software that are currently available in the market. Comparison test is a very good indicator of how competitive and useful the software product will be to the end users soon after its commercial release. In fact, comparison test will let you know whether the software project is marketable or not. You can perform comparison testing to ensure that the software… Read More

What is Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a curious kind of testing as it is somewhat mysterious to the person who is testing the product. The tester will not have any prior knowledge or information about the internal mechanisms of the system that will be tested. In a typical software testing environment, the tester will only know what the inputs are and the expected output. However, the tester will have no idea about the types of programs used to make the output possible. Anyone can conduct black box testing because no programming knowledge… Read More

How Do You Resolve Conflict

The existence of conflicts between two individuals or among people in a group is just an uncomfortable scenario. Conflict arises from many different causes, but the primary factor for conflict is the differences in viewpoints and clash of opinions leading to arguments. Conflict also arises whenever common understanding is not achieved. Nevertheless, even with the nature of conflict, the existence of conflict is healthy for individuals involved because it challenges them to become more assertive, and they engage in a healthy interaction among each other. Conflict is inevitable whenever there… Read More

How do you Influence People

Persuasion or influencing others is not just a skill but also an art. After polishing your basic communication skills which includes your ability to talk and converse with people, you are now ready to engage in a more complex level of communicating viz., the skill of influencing also referred to as persuasion skill. With the varying personalities and manners of thinking that individuals have, influencing people is not an easy task. Yet, certain circumstances would prompt you to use your influencing power over people so that you can get what… Read More

What is Beta Testing

Beta testing is the last important step that software developers conduct before they launch new software. Software systems at their beta stages are not fully developed. Hence, you should not expect it to be completely functional. However, it does give you a first look and a brief glimpse of what it can do for the users before its final launching in the market.  Testing a software before it is commercially released into the market is not only vital but also very critical.  The released software should ensure there are no… Read More

Do you know When to ask and Provide Feedback

Often, people dread hearing comments or feedback especially when it is about their performance. Some are just scared of hearing negative remarks and be told about their flaws or mistakes. In the same way, not a lot people are also comfortable providing their personal criticisms about the performance of others for fear of offending the person or not giving the right opinion. To most people, the idea of giving and receiving feedback is automatically considered as negative. It is completely wrong notion to assume feedbacks as negative. In fact, feedback… Read More

Do you know When to be Assertive

An assertive character, which may be mistaken for aggressiveness, is not exactly the same attribute of an aggressive person. Although assertiveness is similar to being aggressive, the later denotes more of a stronger trait than the first one. When you are being assertive, you show characteristics of self-assurance, self-confidence, and firmness. On the other hand, when you are being aggressive, you demonstrate qualities of being insistent, sometimes even to the point of being hostile. Assertiveness is manifested in situations that would require the individual to push for something with a… Read More

How to Improve Communication Skills

Effective communication is when you are being understood and you are able to get your message across to anyone you communicate with. Moreover, your sufficient understanding of another person’s message also denotes good communication ability. Good and healthy communication per se is a two-way process. One person talks, the other one listens and vice-versa. If you are doing the talking all by yourself, that does not make you an effective communicator. You may even turn out to be a conversation “monopolizer”. Your communication skills are very essential in enhancing interpersonal… Read More

Expressing Thoughts and Feelings Effectively

The ability to deliver thoughts and feelings towards other people effectively is an important aspect of communicate. However, it seems that verbal expression of ideas and displays of emotions do not come easy to many people. Verbal expression of ideas involves putting ideas into words. In most cases, you need to verbally communicate your train of thoughts for you to be understood by your listeners. In the articulation of your thoughts, many factors are considered to convey the message effectively. These elements will be further discussed in the course of… Read More

Different Types of People Skills

In every aspect of life, the ability to deal with and relate to people is very essential in order to succeed in personal as well as professional level. You cannot probably imagine living even a single day without facing people and talking to them. It is not just possible since you need to communicate in order to get what you want, attain what you wish to achieve, and to do scores of routine tasks. As you grow and mature in life, you will eventually realize the value of having good… Read More

What is Alpha Testing

Alpha Testing Essentials Alpha testing makes use of prototypes to test the software in its beta stage. However, you cannot expect the software to possess complete functionality for which it is designed especially at this stage. This is because alpha testing is usually conducted to ensure that the software that is being developed provides all necessary core functions and that it accepts all inputs and gives out expected outputs. Alpha tests are conducted in the software developer’s offices or on any designated systems so that they can monitor the test… Read More

What is Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is the last important test among many tests that a developed software system undergoes. Acceptance testing facilitates the end-users to test the software created and ascertain if the developed software, actually meets their requirements or not. The functionality of the software is most likely acceptable, as software system produced at this stage, would have already undergone many tests like unit testing and integration testing. Acceptance test is neither a test that checks the software functionality nor a test that is run to expose bugs and errors. Rather, the… Read More

Oracle SQL*Loader – Working with Discarded and Rejected Records

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the options in SQL*Loader for generating Bad File, SQL*Loader Rejects, Oracle Database Rejects, Discard File, Log File and Logging Information. Consider a scenario where you have a data file with city, states and zip codes. You are interested in loading data only for one particular state and reject any record which does not have a zip code. Such records which you are not interested can be in the discard file. SQL*Loader rejects records with missing quotes and Oracle database rejects records… Read More

Common Decision Making Mistakes

To some, decisions may be easy to reach while other people cannot easily make up their minds on certain things. Decision making is a skill that requires constant practice. Once you are faced with a situation, you are forced to decide what is best for you or for others. Some decisions have to be made instantly and quickly; other kinds of decisions are analyzed before getting rolled out. Yet, human as we are, we commit mistakes, and even with decision making, we encounter pitfalls. These slip-ups are inevitable especially when… Read More

Leadership Decision Making

Leadership Decision Making Decision making is a very crucial thing that any individual performs in various situations. It is a matter of choosing one over another because the chosen alternative seems to be the most usable and practicable option. Everyone has probably made countless decisions in their lives, ranging from the simplest to the most complex situations. May it be in the personal or professional aspect of a person’s life, decisions are deemed important as these can sometimes advocate change in the way things normally take place. If you belong… Read More

Career Decision Making

A very important aspect of an individual’s life is getting a career. After school, the next step to focus on is building a career by choosing a job in relation to the field of expertise or a work where competencies are useful. A well-established career is one that is carefully chosen and dutifully performed. Choosing a job that is in line with your profession can lead to a successful career. Career decision making is very critical in every individual for the fulfillment of that aspect in one’s life. It is… Read More

Financial Decision Making

Probably one of the most difficult aspects of decision making is the financial concept. Financial management involves smart decision making. When you receive your monthly paycheck, there is the issue about how to spend the money or how to save it. Needless spending sometimes happens because there is poor decision making on one’s money. For example, when going to the supermarket for grocery, you might go beyond your budget because you spotted items that are not on your grocery list. The decision at that moment becomes instant and hasty without… Read More

Group Decision Making

The functionality of a group in terms of performance has been known to be effective in various aspects such as conflict situations, problem solving, and decision making. The group takes into account the individual needs and ideas of the members, making it a collaborative approach in dealing with just about any kind of situation. When it comes to decisions, a group decision making style works best for many organizations where members are grouped into teams. Group decision making is bounded by the principle of synergy or the notion that problems… Read More

Individual Decision Making

Good decision making is a skill to be learned and mastered, especially for leaders who are managing a team. More importantly, individuals must also practice being good decision makers since it is not advisable to be too dependent on others for personal decisions. The downside of being too dependent on others is that you might have a hard time standing on your own two feet when a situation would require you to make a choice without anyone’s help. A better way to deal with it is to consult friends or… Read More

Decision Making Models

From time to time, individuals need to make decisions probably for themselves or for personal reasons; some decisions are meant for other people, some for business sake, and as a contribution towards something positive and beneficial. Because of the complexity of the concept of decision making, many scholars structured decision making models with a purpose of making the procedures easier and smoother when settling for a decision in various contexts. What is a Decision Making Model? A decision making model is a structured and systematic approach in taking decisions. It… Read More

Decision Making Tools and Techniques

Oftentimes, people really have a difficult time deciding and choosing between or among options. Indecisiveness is not something innate. An indecisive person can master the art of good decision making. One way to make this happen is to apply a practical technique when making decisions. The various tools and techniques of decision making are very helpful in teaching people how to become quick and smart decision makers. There are so many of these decision making tools and one can choose any of these techniques which seems applicable and useful for… Read More

Factors and Components of Decision Making

Decisions are very essential in being able to move on with a certain situation or carry out a particular action. People make decisions on just about anything that has something to do with their life – political choices, personal choices, career decisions, financial decisions, medical decisions, and relationship decisions. Many theories have been coined to explain how people come up with decisions, its components, and what factors affect them to decide for the present and future actions. A decision made is rooted from several factors and it composes elements as… Read More

Decision Making Skills

Choosing among options can be really challenging for some people, especially when the choices are tough and competitive. You may have noticed that some people are weak at decision making, and when an opportunity comes along, they cannot make up their minds easily. Indecisiveness makes one unreliable to other people. For example, if you belong to a team and the team leader will delegate someone to make the decisions or help out with the decisions for the group, your chance of being given the role will be high if you… Read More

Decision Making Process

Everyday situations and events would pressure individuals to make up their minds in order to move on with whatever it is they have been mulling over. Whether important or not, decisions are made every single day and every time there is a need to. Hasty decisions usually do not generate positive and effective results, although there are times when quick decisions are needed to get things going. A well-thought of and planned decision usually creates desirable and favorable outcomes. Making a decision is not as easy people think it is.… Read More

Types of Decision Making

Decision making is all about making up one’s mind on the most feasible choice from among the available options. It requires a mental exercise to intellectually settle on a certain choice depending on what the situation requires. Decisions are needed when there are two very close options, when problems arise and a solution is needed, when an opportunity comes along, and whenever the need to make a choice is required. Because every individual differs in terms of intellectual skills, the ability to make decisions also varies. Decision makers are categorized… Read More

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Problems are part of daily life. These serve as challenges and tools in the various actions and situations that people experience. In an organizational setting, problems at work are inevitable. Work issues can be experienced by any employee, but the bulk of the problem-solving and decision-making falls in the hands of supervisors and managers. Deciding for a choice that would benefit everyone in the team is a crucial role of a manager. Yet, for individual problems, autonomous approach must be practiced. The steps involved in solving a problem and making… Read More

Intuition and Decision Making

Intuition and Decision Making The need to make a decision is really not easy. In fact, many people find it their ultimate weakness in which case they are called as indecisive or fickle-minded. Individuals who cannot make up their minds effortlessly are considered poor decision makers. Usually, they are dependent on others for a decision. Yet, there are also people who make decisions based on instincts or gut feeling and in the category of decision makers, they are considered to be intuitive. A lot of individuals actually prefer their personal… Read More

Introduction to Decision Making

Every day people are posed with options and choices to make. In the many actions and situations that individuals face each day, decisions have to be made. To some, decision making seems like a complicated and difficult thing to do. According to studies, a lot of people are poorer in coming up with decisions than they think. That is why leaders exist to take the role of decision makers for the group or team. Yet, a good knowledge of the concept of decision making, the skills needed, and some tools… Read More

When Anger Can be Good

One of the biggest problem with most anger management programs is that they focus on anger as being the problem instead of focusing on “the ways in which people handle their anger.” Anger is an emotion that all humans express, and there is a reason why we express it. Anger is the emotion expressed by a human being when they want to let other human beings know that they are not happy with the situation they are in.  There are times when anger can be very helpful. For example, lets say… Read More

Anger Management For Professionals

Anger management is best described as psychological techniques which can allow a person to control or reduce the amount of anger they have when reacting to specific situations. Anger management techniques vary widely, but their goals are essentially the same; to allow an individual to manage their anger and resolve stressful or frustrating situations in a productive manner. Anger management methods make use of techniques such as breathing as well as meditation in order to bring about a level of relaxation. When it comes to anger management, one thing that… Read More

Best Approach towards Anger Management

In order for anger management to be effective, you must gain control over your anger. Trying to get rid of your anger is worthless, and the reason for this is because anger is a normal emotion, just like happiness or sadness; it is something you will experience many times throughout the course of your life. The best approach to anger management is one which is balanced. You will not only need to control the emotions you feel when you become angry, but you will also need to express this emotion… Read More

Stress and Anger Connection

A number of studies have indicated that there is a clear relationship that exists between stress and anger. Stress is a phenomenon that can take us from feeling peaceful to suddenly experiencing discomfort with regard to our surroundings. In scientific terms, stress is the response that our body gives to the demands that are placed on us on a daily basis. These demands are referred to as being "stressors." While many stressors are unavoidable, others are largely negative. For example, if you are on the way to work, and you… Read More

Managing Anger at the Work Place

Studies have shown that anger in the workplace is quite rampant, and it tends to be highly intense. The most dramatic examples of workplace anger have resulted in workplace violence, where employees or former employees physically harmed either themselves or their co-workers. Controlling Your Anger in The Workplace is Critical What leads to anger in the workplace? Why does it occur? Most importantly, how can it be reduced or avoided entirely? In this article we will attempt to answer these questions. To understand anger in the workplace, one must be… Read More

Symptoms of Anger

To Manage Your Anger Properly, You Must First Recognize the Symptoms The symptoms for anger can be broken down into two categories, and these are aggressive anger and anger which is passive. Each form of anger has symptoms which are unique to it. Passive anger is a form of anger which may be hard to recognize for those who do not know what to look for. Those who have passive anger have a tendency to be quite secretive. They will typically say negative things behind the backs of people they… Read More

Anger and Forgiveness

While Forgiving Others Can be Hard, Studies Show It is Effective Throughout the course of your life, there are many times when you will be wronged, where people and institutions you trust will take advantage of you. When you’re in a situation like this, the biggest question you should ask yourself is whether or not you should forgive. Forgiving others is never easy, especially when you’re the innocent person who has suffered as a result of the actions of others. In truth, it is generally good to forgive others, but… Read More

Industrial Process

Industries form the backbone of any economy and it is these industries that bring to a common layman the basic commodities of living. These industries are comprised of industrial processes and activities which are the key for effective and quality production of end products. This article details what industrial processes are and the various types of industrial processes. What is an Industrial Process? Processes and procedures in a large scale that involve chemical or mechanical steps aiding them in manufacture of a specific item or items is known as an… Read More

Process Documentation Methods

With the increase in processes and activities in present day organizations, it is but likely to make sure the methods and processes are documented in a well defined manner. The documentation of the processes will ensure that they are propagated in the right manner within the organization. The complexity of the processes and the huge employee strength in companies make it necessary for processes to be documented. It becomes difficult for the process to be propagated by word of mouth or to be explained on a one-on-one basis. These features… Read More

Resignation Processes

Every activity in corporate world involves a series of processes that are essential for its completion. Resignation of an employee from an organization also possesses the same level of processes he had when he would have joined the services. It is very important and necessary to understand the processes so as to get relieved from the company in a harmonious manner. This article details all the processes that are required to be followed from the time of submitting your resignation till an employee’s last day in the organization. Resignation is a process… Read More