Design to Schedule Model

Design to Schedule Model is said to be the most efficient model in terms of timing and scheduling. It is believed that this model utilizes the same process as that of the Staged Delivery model in a sense that there is a “deliverable” at every stage; however, it does not hold the same predictability as the former and at times, a product’s full potential may not be developed. All the same, the Design to Schedule model can ensure that the product is going to be ready at any time necessary.… Read More

Staged Delivery Model

We have already discussed several lifecycle models for you to choose from, however, if you are looking for a particular model that is able to provide a “ready” product at every stage or phase then, you should consider the Staged Delivery Model. The project team can stop the development of any task at any given time, and the product would still be functional to customers. Staged Delivery model allows for products to become deliverable at every stage. It prioritizes requirements set by project managers and these are clearly addressed as… Read More

Throwaway Prototyping Model

Throwaway Prototyping Model is especially useful when the project needs are vaguely and poorly laid out. It functions by providing proof that something can indeed be done in terms of systems and strategies. Throwaway Prototyping Model  is used for certain projects and will eventually be discarded after the project has been completed. It is also known as Close-Ended Prototyping. Throwaway Prototyping Model is implemented through the creation of prototypes and thereafter gathering feedback from end users to check if they find it good or not. This is valuable to get… Read More

Evolutionary Delivery Model

For projects that require visible progress, the Evolutionary Delivery Model is a good choice. It is similar to Evolutionary Prototyping and in some ways have the same concepts used in Staged Delivery. In a way, the Evolutionary Delivery Model incorporates the strong points of each model: progressive development derived from the former, and flexibility modeled from the latter. Phases of Evolutionary Delivery Model Evolutionary Delivery Model comprises 5 phases otherwise referred to as the Evolutionary Delivery Cycle. Gathering of Requirements Gathering of requirements is the first phase and would include… Read More

The Evolutionary Prototyping Model

It is a company’s goal to stay ahead of its competitors. As such, there has to be some processes that will provide customized service to customers in which flexibility and reliability are given focus. In this regard, the experimental concept of the Evolutionary Prototyping Model has become indispensable. With this model, processes are made, and throughout the entire course of the project, customers are constantly asked to give feedback for each created prototypes. This is to ensure functionality based on the requirements that customers are looking for in a product… Read More

The Spiral Model

In project management, there has to be a system that should be modeled on to prevent loss of control and directive for a particular project. Without such, there is the possibility that a project will not turn out as well as planned. The Spiral Model, which is targeted towards big projects, functions by micro-management. It divides these projects into smaller clusters thus making it easier for the team to reduce risks and problems that may occur. The Spiral Model evolves like a spiral; it begins at the core of the… Read More

The Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model was first introduced as a Life Cycle model for projects in industries such as construction and manufacturing. Its basic concept revolves around the steady and sequential downward flow of each cycle phase, as depicted by Winston Royce, almost 4 decades ago. This model is referred to as the Pure Waterfall Model, and today there is a new version which is known as the Modified Waterfall Model. The Pure Waterfall Model This is the old and more commonly used model. It was what Royce introduced in the 1970s.… Read More

Project Management Life Cycle Models

The Project Management Life Cycle is comprised of 13 models which include: Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Prototyping Model, Evolutionary Delivery Model, Throwaway Prototyping Model, Staged Delivery Model, Design to Tools Model, Design to Schedule Model, Code and Fix Model, Incremental/Iterative Development, Reusable Software Model, Automated Software Synthesis and Off-the-Shelf Model. All of these models are fundamental to the success of every project. In the last 30 years, the life cycle has evolved from simple basic models to more complex and detailed models that have been designed to cater to… Read More

Entrepreneurship Decision Making Process

Decision making is all about employing one’s mental processes to come up with a final choice after careful consideration of several options or alternatives. The outcome of your decision could significantly affect your work, your business, and even your life. This is why in entrepreneurship, making intelligent decisions is regarded as very important because it could mean the difference between success and failure of your endeavor. Components of Decision-Making In order to make intelligent decisions, you need to identify the four components that are instrumental to making the right choices.… Read More

Entrepreneurship Innovation

Any invention or creation that is rendered useful to the society is considered as an innovation. Innovations can be simple invention or complex creations. It can be something that people had never heard of, or it could also be a revision or an improved version of an already existing product. Every business requires innovation in order to keep up with the fierce competition. To meet and exceed the expectations of the customers, a business has to continuously strive for excellence and this includes coming up with innovations that are rendered… Read More

Creativity in Entrepreneurship

Creative phase, Productive phase and Organizational phase are the three phases of entrepreneurship.  In the creative phase, an entrepreneur comes up with ideas that are directly based on his endeavors. In the productive phase, he makes these ideas real by getting the job done. In the organizational phase, he strategize, hire people or forms groups of people needed to get the job done, and comes up with action plans for improvement. Entrepreneur Creativity The ability of a person to formulate ideas and concepts in his mind is made possible through… Read More

Institutional Entrepreneurship

It was sociologist, Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt who was among the very first few individuals who coined the term ‘institutional entrepreneurship’ to refer people who have made themselves a “means” by which fundamental changes were bought about to certain structures and processes. In essence, these are people who strive to achieve market-oriented institutions. To cite an example in a much larger scale, a change in today’s economic structure is what is now popularly referred to as “globalization.” Fundamentally, this kind of entrepreneurship deals with making a significant change in the “rules… Read More

Entrepreneurs Internship Program

What you learn in the classroom will remain theories unless you apply them in actuality. Thus, the need for firsthand experience is necessary. Internship facilitates the “student” to spend a specified number of hours working for an assigned employer or the host. An established entrepreneur that allows the student to gain work experience in either for-profit or not-for-profit ventures. Colleges, business schools, and other academic institutions offer these programs in order to make sure that students aspiring to become entrepreneurs are given proper support and training. The duration of the… Read More

Entrepreneurship Leadership

Every entrepreneur should possess leadership qualities for them to succeed in their endeavors. In this article, the key relationship of leadership and entrepreneurship are highlighted to give you a better understanding of the relevance of these two concepts. Leadership Leadership is the process by which an individual can influence other people for the benefit of the organization as a whole, as well as for each member. They can make this happen because they possess invaluable attributes such as strength of character, willpower, beliefs, skills, and knowledge. It is important for… Read More

Risks Associated with Entrepreneurship

Risk in any endeavor is inevitable and before you decide to become an entrepreneur, you fully need to understand the risks associated with entrepreneurship and ensure that you are ready to handle them; otherwise, it would be a waste of time to start something only to realize later-on that you are not cutout for it. The risks associated with entrepreneurship are discussed in this article to help you gain better knowledge and understanding of what are at stake. This should facilitate readiness on your part, and aid you in deciding… Read More

Entrepreneurship Evaluation

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Generally people try to become successful in their chosen careers and be content with a regular office job. While some of them prefer setting up their own business the traditional way and are happy with it. Thus, it is imperative for you to ascertain if you are cut-out for entrepreneurship and start from there. In this article, you will learn whether you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur, and you will also be provided with valuable tips that will gear you towards success… Read More

Ideal Entrepreneurship Candidate

When a person manages, organizes, and becomes accountable to the risks and outcomes of a business or enterprise, he can be appropriately classified as an entrepreneur. This is the basic definition, but it takes more than a line or two to correctly define such a person. Who then is the ideal candidate for entrepreneurship? It is always good to find out if you are in fact the perfect entrepreneur candidate. Such awareness enables you to realize your own potential and defy limits instead of being stuck in a 9 to… Read More

Entrepreneurship Secrets

Many people have opted to become entrepreneurs because they have realized the vastness of the opportunities awaiting them. Nevertheless, when one engages in entrepreneurship, it helps to know that along the way, you are bound to meet a lot of challenges and will have your own frustrations to deal with. Every entrepreneur out there has experienced good times and bad times in the process of building his business, and every ounce of learning we get through our experiences is always very essential. Although these experiences make us better entrepreneurs, it… Read More

Entrepreneurship Advantages

When individuals enter into money-making ventures in the form of a business, a project, or an opportunity, they are considered to be entrepreneurs. Let us now find out what drives people to give up their job, start a business and become entrepreneurs. Why Become an Entrepreneur? There are many reasons as to why people decide to become an entrepreneur. For one, it could be because of the instability he finds in his job. Maybe he realizes that at anytime he could lose his job just like his office buddies who… Read More

Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is the practice of making an endeavor to help and provide solutions to the problems of society. Social entrepreneurship makes use of the various entrepreneurial principles in order to create an endeavor, organize and manage it to promote change in society.  The difference between a social entrepreneur and a business entrepreneur is that the former does not just aim to make profit, but he truly aspires to make a positive impact on society. Objectives of Social Entrepreneur The objectives vary from one social entrepreneur to another, depending on… Read More

Entrepreneurship Phases

There are several aspects of entrepreneurship such as legal aspects, developmental aspects and global aspects. In addition to these aspects there are six phases of entrepreneurship which every entrepreneur must go through in order to become successful. Let us now review these most basic and essential entrepreneurship aspects and phases. Legal Aspects Intellectual properties must be secured and protected, find out what these are and have them patented and copyrighted as soon as possible.  Legal aspect includes copyright protection for your assets by registering them with the copyright office. Have… Read More

Key Entrepreneurship Qualities

Entrepreneurs possess qualities that make them successful at what they do. Training, discipline, environmental influence, and drive are some of the key aspects of an entrepreneur. It is imperative that those who aspire to become an entrepreneur should basically possess these essential qualities. With a commitment to change, develop, and acquire these qualities, you could make a big difference in your life. The following qualities will help you familiarize with the key values required to achieve success in entrepreneurial endeavors. Top Seven Qualities of Entrepreneurs While there are many qualities… Read More

Entrepreneur Characteristics

To make our dreams come true, there are certain things we need to do, which may depend on which aspect we want to be successful at, and to what degree. Nevertheless, to achieve success in any business or career, one of the most vital features necessary is entrepreneurship. To delve deeper into the concept, it is necessary to understand its basic definition. Entrepreneurship Definition In essence, entrepreneurship is the practice of involving oneself in an endeavor, generally, a business venture, in the quest to find better opportunities and gain financial… Read More

Cross-Culture Misconceptions

Have you ever experienced interacting with a person coming from another country? Or being in a team of different races and nationalities? What did you think and feel during such interaction? Were there any feelings of apprehension and uncertainty dealing with foreign people? Did you find it easy mingling with them or was it hard for you to relate to them? All these questions and many more will cloud your mind especially if it is your first interaction with individuals of foreign race or nationality. Experts have coined a shared… Read More

Cross-Cultural Conflicts and Issues

Globally, organizations work in culturally diverse environments. They interact regardless of age, gender, race, language, and nationality. It is but natural for conflicts to arise out of these diversities. Apart from these differences, an organization may have deeper and more serious differences that may affect certain cross-cultural issues and the way conflict is dealt with. Cross-Cultural Issues and Dimensions Let us identify some of the cross-cultural issues that exist between Western and Asian cultures and their perspectives. Language seems to be a very common issue. Asians think that foreigners pay… Read More

Cross-cultural Competence in International Business

The advent of globalization in international businesses has prompted business establishments to expand its network across cultures in order to keep up being culturally aware and more importantly, for businesses to increase cross-cultural competence. The value of cross-cultural competence skill is becoming increasingly important for many international companies. Often, Business establishments take on a perspective that cross-cultural competence is the silver lining between surviving and perishing in the modern global economy. Companies grow their business outside the country of origin when the business is expanding and is ready to take… Read More

Cross-Cultural Collaboration

When we speak of collaboration, we are referring to teamwork, partnership, or an alliance of two or more groups. Collaboration is a process of working hand in hand with others.  Collaboration does not mean that individuals have got rid of differences from one another. It involves more of discussing the differences and working out these differences as a group. Understanding Cross-Cultural Collaboration Individuals with varying cultural backgrounds working together are doing a cross-cultural collaboration. By this, we mean an alliance across cultures. So cross-cultural collaboration is a process where a… Read More

Cultural Competency Development Stages

Cross-cultural competence pertains to the ability of individuals or groups to interact effectively with those of different ethnical backgrounds and cultural orientations, or in a situation where cultural diversity exists. It incorporates the capacity to understand and recognize another culture’s language, behaviors, values, and policies, and adapt to these variations. Cultural competence is not something that we can acquire overnight. Having this higher level of human ability is a developmental process which involves a long-term commitment. It is not some kind of training with a specific timeframe of completion; rather… Read More

Cross-Cultural Management

Cultural homogeneity is no longer the trend in organizations. Many researchers and company management have noticed the restrictions of traditional management approaches and theories that assume individuality. They want to try embracing other cultures and not just rely on their own cultural orientation. Managers are experimenting new methods of organizing and handling groups that can address the diversity of employees. It is not easy welcoming new ideas and approaches especially if it is for an overall modification or transformation. The company management has questions about incorporating these new ideas and… Read More

Cross-Cultural Appreciation Stages

The term cross-cultural understanding covers a wide scope in the aspect of culture with a focus on the business field. It involves concepts such as cross-cultural awareness and knowledge, cross-cultural sensitivity, and cross-cultural competence. These terms have significant impacts in learning the concept of cross-cultural understanding within the business aspect. Cross-cultural understanding pertains to the ability of individuals in recognizing, interpreting, and reacting appropriately to people and situations that are open to possible conflicts and misunderstandings due to differences in cultures. In most businesses, especially those that recognize the increasing… Read More

Cultural Pluralism

One of the outcomes of a variety of cultures and subcultures is that minority groups tend to be controlled by the dominant cultures because the latter has the power and uses affluence to take over the smaller cultural societies. With a diverse culture, an exchange and sharing of cultural values and attitudes take place. Some cultures may adapt certain cultural beliefs from other groups and modify them to embed it in their own cultural orientation. Some cultures retain their cultural identity despite the exposure and immersion with other cultures. These… Read More

Examples of Cross-Cultural Competence

An individual or an organization that is able to interact with other cultures effectively is known to possess the skills of cross-cultural competence. These skills are said to be on a higher form or higher level of human or group ability since the interaction takes place in a global scope. Cross-cultural competence is a set of behaviors, values, and policies that may be developed at an individual level, in a system, or organizational level with the ability to constructively interact and work effectively across cultures and in diverse cultural situations.… Read More

Cross-Cultural Diversity

Culture is not just an attribute of an individual. Culture is a shared set of values, norms, attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of a group that share these similarities.  Although variations can be seen between or among different groups, it can also exist within a group. More often, we associate culture with a larger group such as a country, yet culture also exists in ethnic groups, tribes, and organizations. We often refer to them as a subculture. Dealing with a group of people from another culture or ethnicity is what we commonly… Read More

Organizational Goal Setting – Criteria and Process

A certain organization is never without goals. Organizational goals are the reason why a group or an association is able to continue its advocate. Business organizations take the primary goal of earning a profit along with expanding the business and acquiring more customers. Non-profitable organizations survive and carry on with its activities with its goals. Under each goal, a group can formulate objectives that specify what needs to be attained. Objectives must be specific, measurable, and achievable in a given period of time. The Importance of Organizational Goal Setting Apart… Read More

Organizational Goal Setting

Every organization lives by its vision and mission statements, which are also considered the ultimate goals in a broad and long-term approach. But an organization can also establish a set of goals for various organizational needs and plans. These goals are statements that direct an organization on what to do, what to accomplish, and how to maintain its existence. Without these goals, any group or association can easily crumble into pieces. This is because the members would have no clear direction and purpose as to what aims need to be… Read More

Business Goal Setting-Criteria and Process

Every business is driven with goals to keep the operations stable, thriving, and growing. Successful companies from the small to large-scale levels garnered its achievements out of the motivation to complete its business goals. A business goal is defined as clear, focused target of a profit-earning company with a purpose of solving business solutions and problems. Primarily, a business goal must be measurable and quantitative. It must describe the particular change or adjustment, the manner of making the change, a unit of measure or other variables to monitor the change,… Read More

Business Goal Setting

Behind all successful businesses are its goals. Just as every individual sets personal goals, a business must also base its operations on its goals. Setting proper goals for your business is like piloting a plane heading toward a defined area for landing. You must have a reason for putting up a business. Well, earning profit is a given but identifying other important aims and objectives for the business is also crucial. Otherwise, you are putting money and resources at stake for defining no purpose at all for engaging into an… Read More

Personal Goal Setting- Criteria and Process

One of the measures of individual success is the achievement of personal goals. Individual aspirations and desires are considered goals. Dreams and ambitions are also considered as goals. We establish personal goals out of a desire to attain what we want in life. Although they are personal goals, they may also be intended for the benefit of other people such as our family, friends, and work colleagues. The Importance of Criteria and Process Personal goal setting is based on a set of guidelines and steps that will effectively guide us… Read More

Introduction to Personal Goal Setting

No one can stop you or anyone from making dreams and ambitions for yourself. You can dream big, but there is no need to set your dreams too high when you know that you can be happy with what you can achieve. You can establish goals for yourself without having to be someone you are not. Each and every one is capable of personal goal setting to reach success in the different aspects of their life – career, family and relationships, personal finances, and other areas for success. Personal goal… Read More

Barriers to Goal Setting

The idea of achieving your goals and enjoying the things you have always dreamed of is enough to motivate you to act on your goals. But as you start taking action on each goal, do consider that there are possible barriers along the way. These hindrances can come from within you as the goal setter or it could be factors from the outside. An important thing to do is to practice positive thinking. These barriers must not be treated as obstructions to your plans but take them as challenges. This… Read More

Quantitative versus Qualitative Goals

Have you ever experienced waking up one day not knowing what to do? Did you ever feel like you just do not know what to do or where to go? Was there a point in your life when you felt like you had no purpose here on earth? Try doing a personal evaluation of your wants and needs. Think about how far you have reached your ambitions and dreams. You may need to clearly establish goals in life to give you a sense of direction and purpose. Everyone has goals.… Read More


Each one of us pictures a different vision of success. We all have unique goals according to what we dream of and plan to achieve. For some, it may be making a decent living or landing a good career; for others it is settling down and building a nice, loving family. Some of our dreams are big so the goals are the same, while some of us may simply create goals that are easy to achieve. No matter the type of goal, establishing SMART goals will lead the way towards… Read More

Goal Setting – Planning For Success

We set goals because there are so many material possessions we want to have and dreams we want to achieve. But establishing goals is not just a random thinking process. We cannot just think of a goal and act on it right away, and then get another goal in mind and instantly work on it. Some of us may find it difficult to complete our individual goals. Some simply fail in doing so while others successfully accomplish their goals. There are steps and methods to follow in order to effectively… Read More

Prioritizing Goals

At times, we become too consumed with excitement and overwhelmed with motivation on the goals we wish to accomplish in life. Easy goals, difficult ones, simple goals, ambitious ones, and many other kinds of goals we cannot wait to achieve. We can just think of anything that we want to accomplish, but it is the process of materializing these goals that matters more. Prioritizing goals is very important thing to consider while establishing goals. You may have goals that are equally important to each other, and there may be some… Read More

Benefits of Goal Setting

Being able to live a life filled with satisfaction, we hope to give fulfillment to our plans and ambitions. We want to have a good job, land a successful career, build a happy family, and create long-lasting friendships. We refer to these things as goals. We set goals because we want to make life worthwhile and meaningful to live; a life with a purpose is a life worth living for. It is whole lot different from living each day with nothing to motivate us and nothing to work hard for.… Read More

Successful Goal Setting Strategies

Why do we work so hard and put our best foot forward? Why do we make it a point to always impress our superiors and deliver an outstanding performance? Is it not because we all aspire to go a notch higher in our position? An individual with career goals climbing up the corporate ladder is important.  We all have individual goals in our personal life. We make plans and dreams for ourselves, our family and relationship with people, and our career, among other things. When we aspire for certain things… Read More

Types of Goals

We all have individual goals that serve as motivation to succeed and accomplish things in our life. We can have as many goals as we want and they vary on which aspect of our life we wish to provide satisfaction. The Value of Goal Setting Having a clear set of goals allows us to focus on a single path to achieving our aims at the end of the road. They give us a sense of direction in life. Some people live their lives astray as they don’t have clear-cut goals… Read More

Introduction to Goal Setting

A very essential factor in your personal and professional life is goal setting. Goals are objectives, aims, and targets in order to achieve what you want to achieve. For sports, the goal of every competing team is winning the game. Goal setting is a process of reaching such goals, usually in a futuristic action plan in order to shape your ideal future and transform that vision into a reality. The process of goal setting in your life helps you decide on how to live your life, where you want… Read More

What is White Box Testing

White box testing is a significant security testing method that testers use to ascertain whether the codes follow the intended or planned design. This test also validates implemented security functionalities and discovers existing vulnerabilities in the system. Topics White Box Testing Advantages Unlocking White Box Testing Secrets White Box Testing Steps White Box Testing Coverage This article will help you know what exactly white box testing is and how testers can perform this test by using tools and techniques designed for the test. This test combines principles from two different… Read More

What is Usability Testing

As the name, it suggests, the term usability means in what manner an application can be used for the purpose it was created. In other words, can we create something that looks and feels better for general usage? Topics Need of Usability Testing Usability Testing Procedure Usability Testing Advantages Usability Testing Techniques Usability Testing Methods Conclusion Usability testing in its broad meaning refers to a way to quantify or measure how users find it to interact with a given set of applications and how they can the system by keeping… Read More

Importance of Goal Setting

One aspect that many successful people have in common is that they are able to set goals for the things they want to achieve in life. People who are goal oriented tend to be those who are always looking for a new challenge. Once they have become successful in one area of their life, they are rarely content, and move onto the next challenge. Success oriented people are typically those that can tell you what goals they are working on in less than two minutes, and they do not have to spend… Read More

How to use Hashes to Ensure Integrity

Introduction Hashes are excellent within the field of cryptography. The hashes can be thought of as a type of transformation which captures input, and sends back a string which is fixed in size. This string is referred to as being the hash value. Topics Introduction Hash Basics Potential Applications for Hash Functions Methods for Hardening Your Operating System Role of Hashes in OS Hardening What Comprises a Good Password? Hash functions are directly connected to this property, and they will be used for a number of computational reasons, most notably… Read More

Data Protection Protocols

Data protection is an integral part of any network system. Care should be taken to ensure that system data remains protected during all the times under all the circumstances.  In this article you will learn about data protection in two scenarios. The first one is protecting your data on internet using Internet Security Protocol such as IPsec. Secondly, you will learn how to protect your data during transit.  Topics Using IPsec to Protect Your Data IPsec Network Layer Security IP Transaction Header Extensions Modes How to Protect Data When Its… Read More

How to Effectively Protect Your System

In order to effectively protect your system you need to take pro-active guard as well as take preventive measures. In this article, you will learn about methods of data encryption to protect existing data from unauthorised users and you will also learn about taking care of your data against virus attacks. Symmetric Encryption Symmetric encryption, also known as secret key encryption, is a type of encryption which focuses on the data encryption standard (DES) process. Algorithms that are used with the latest encryption methods, like Rijndael for example, are different from DES… Read More

Network Security Firewall and Architecture

Firewalls are one of the first security protocols implemented in the network and in computers. Developed in the late 80s, it has become the standard security measure for network administrator as well as for private individuals. Topics Intrusion and IPS The Need of a Firewall Components of a Firewall Selecting the Right Firewall Firewall and Architecture The Protection of Layer 7 Shopping for a Firewall Firewalls are essentially an application that filters content which is being transmitted. Network administrators can set the parameters as to what will be accepted and transmitted. Although… Read More

Preventing Network Intrusion

It is often said that Prevention is better than cure. This adage is definitely true in network security. Network attacks are better off prevented than cured. Network administrators have to do the necessary tasks to prevent network intrusion as much as possible and ensure that no damage has been done to the network at any point of time. Topics Virus Checking Denial of Service Attack Reducing Denial of Service Attacks How DOS Attacks Work Protect Yourself from DOS Attacks Network intrusion and damage threat is always present and network administrators… Read More

Creating and Developing Security Policies

Introduction With the right amount of encrypted data, as well as time and processing power, it is possible for attackers to compromise virtually any system. It is possible to stop these attacks from being successful by making it difficult to crack the password. Topics Introduction Working with Older Operating Systems Setting the Password Age Policy Developing a Security Policy Protocol Against Attacks There are two important strategies that can be used to achieve this, and one is to make sure users use passwords which are complex, and to require the… Read More

Disaster Recovery Restoration Tips

Planning disaster recovery ensures that network developers will have an action plan when disaster strikes. Even with a simple action plan, network developers will know where to start and build up the execution. Topics Actual Disaster Recovery I. Problem Detection Stage II. Execution Phase III. Reconstruction Phase Restoring Communication after Disaster Restoration Procedure Communication Recovery Practice With a simple plan that only revolves around a concept, the network managers and the whole IT department will have the ability to adjust but it is going to be a lot of work… Read More

Producing Disaster Recovery Site

Topics Producing Disaster Recovery Site Disaster Recovery Site Essentials Disaster Recovery Site Control Center One of the most important aspect of disaster recovery is the production of a disaster recovery site, which is a remote location where duplicates of your data can be stored in the event of a disaster or emergency. These days, such sites have become more important than ever before. With the advent of terrible natural disasters, along with devastating acts, it has become far too risky for enterprises to store all their data on site. While… Read More

Storage and BackUp Strategies

Introduction Topics Introduction What is an Online Back Up? Online Back Up Strategies Implementing Disaster Avoidance Implementation and Storage Security Issues to Consider Many of us are familiar with backing up our data.  While it sounds pretty simple, the fact is that most of the computer users do not backup their data. Some of the excuses which they often make involve how long it takes, how slow it is, or how many DVDs or disks they need. However, once disaster strikes, the loss that they will suffer by not having… Read More

Business Impact Assessment and Recovery Plans

Introduction Having a continuity plan for any business establishment is highly important. Continuity plan need not be highly expensive. However, it should be dependent on business processes, along with the vulnerabilities that these processes have. Topics Introduction Business Impact Assessment Phases Role of Risk Assessment in BIA Recovery Plan Disaster Recovery Objectives Establish Disaster Recovery Plans Should you fail to identify either processes or risk, you cannot handle any kind of disaster, and you will not be able to deal with any of the consequences that come along with it.… Read More

Effective Business Continuity Planning

While no one can be sure of where or when a disaster will occur, or what form the disaster will come in, it is important to be prepared for the unexpected. There are many companies today that have not taken into consideration the impact of disasters and this is a grave mistake. Topics BCP Guidelines BCP for Effective Planning Building an Efficient Recovery Solution Plan Recovery Point Objective Hardware and Data Back Up Requirements Evaluation If a company is subject to a disaster, whether natural or man-made, the measures it… Read More

Network Security Risk Assessment and Measurement

First Step for Risk Assessment Information that is gathered everyday regarding client and business transactions are either stored on servers or on user computers. These stored information are considered important and sensitive in the company’s interest and hence they need to be protected from network attacks and other unknown circumstances. Network administrator manage and protect the network through a series of passwords and data encryption. Topics First Step for Risk Assessment Identifying Essential Data/System/Hardware Identifying External Blocks Measuring the Risk to Your Enterprise Calculating the Assets Value The Liquid Financial… Read More

Is Your Corporate Network Secure and Confidential?

Businesses are increasingly conducted over IT networks and it is imperative for them to maintain network confidentiality more than ever before. A failure to ensure the security of business IT network can lead to dire consequences. In order to secure these network, a number of changes are made to the infrastructure of the underlying network, and a network administrator is designated to create policies which will protect the network from unauthorized access. Topics The Security Management for a Network Network Security Attributes Types of Network Attacks Reasons for Network Attacks Constant… Read More

IT Continuity Planning

Reality of Data and Application Protection Business data and applications are crucial for the success of any commercial organisation. Information related to business needs to be protected from system and network disasters. Topics Reality of Data IT Continuity Planning Components for IT Continuity IT Infrastructure Continuity Design IT Related Threat to Business An ideal scenario for complete data protection is to have the network connected to a back-up facility that will monitor any changes in the data. Each time the data changes, the back-up facility will mirror the changes so… Read More

Tips to find Job during Recession

It is always difficult to find a job during recession. One of the drastic effects of recession is that companies are having a hard time earning or posting a profit. This means that they have to make some adjustments in their business operation and one of those adjustments is to terminate employees. Keeping employees during recession is seen as a bad business move because they have to be given salaries which do not really reflect the earnings of the company. If employees are terminated, the company should be able to… Read More

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Disaster recovery is pretty self-explanatory, since it involves the recovery of your business operations after a destructive event. These disasters can range from horrible natural disasters to computer viruses. Topics Disaster Recovery Plan Business Impact Analysis What they all have in common is that these events reduce the ability of your company of function in the normal manner. While you would think that most large corporations and enterprises pay a great deal of attention to disaster recovery, the fact of the matter is that this isn't the case. Many executives… Read More

Are you ready for Disaster Recovery?

While many organizations have a tendency to focus on the most complex aspects of disaster recovery, the fact of the matter is that disaster recovery starts with the basics, and ends with them. You can get into all the complexities that you want, but if you don't understand the basics, your disaster recovery plans will be severely flawed. Topics Disaster Recovery Survival Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Rule 6 In a day and age where natural disasters and acts of terrorism are almost an annual… Read More

What is Ad Hoc Testing

What exactly is Ad Hoc Testing? When Will you use Ad Hoc Testing ? Ad-hoc testing is an unscripted software testing method. Often, people confuse it with the exploratory, negative and monkey testing. In the domain of software testing, the word “ad-hoc” means that the test is for a particular purpose at hand only. You cannot use the same test another time. It is almost like a “single-use” test. Thus, it has to be very effective and efficient. The following characteristics will provide the real meaning of ad-hoc testing: Ad-hoc… Read More