There are times when you witness a person get really angry about a certain situation that he or she shouts, curses or even physically attack someone who might or might not cause the incident.
A basic example is road rage wherein a person gets out of the car and furiously charges at another vehicle owner who might have caused the accident. This might even lead to fatal situations because the uncontrollable anger is there.
You might even be one of those persons that were directly affected by this form of anger or you could be the one displays this form of behavior.
This type of behavior is commonly called as rage. It is a type of anger that usually results to being overly aggressive and physical to another person. This is a very impulsive act which explains why a person does these things even though there are a lot people watching. They do not care about the embarrassment – at least until the person gets over his or her emotion. After their rage, they would often become conscious and feel ashamed on what they have done.
Effects of Rage
Rage affects two parties – the person who have exhibited the behavior and the individual or group who became the recipient and witness of the persons rage.
Rage could affect a person’s life, career and relationship. There are even those who seemingly have no control of their emotions as they can display rage with little provocation. A person’s career may end because the workplace behavior will never be favorable for everyone.
Relationships will also crumble because the person will “snap” and may cause harm to their love ones. As already indicated, rage could even cause to fatal actions which will have serious consequences.
The recipient of rage will also be affected. Some can easily cope up with this type of behavior and forget about it – making the effect of the behavior temporary. On the other hand, there are those that could be traumatized and be physically harmed by this behavior.
In families, kids would have permanent memories of rage if one of their parents displays this type of behavior. The effect would be for the lifetime as these kids might eventually show the same behavior.
Causes of Rage
Tracking the case of rage could be challenging. Some believe that it is actually based on your brain activity – making rage and extreme aggression a biological trait. This is easily explained when two persons who grew up in the same community with the same upbringing. One would grow as expected while the other person would sometimes show rage and aggression.
On the other hand, rage could also be cultivated by daily experiences and social situation. When a person grows up in a very bad neighborhood, rage could be an expected behavior. The constant exposure to violence could teach the child that physical manifestation of anger is just ok.
These causes are considered by professionals because it will help them explain their behavior and even look for cures to this type of dangerous behavior.
Personal Techniques in Controlling Rage
If you think you have been really angry before that has lead to physical aggression, you need to learn to control this type of behavior as much as possible. For mild conditions or when you are already at the brink of getting really angry, controlling them would be a lot easier.
Stopping for a few moments and getting out from work for a few hours are some of the highly recommended techniques on how to control your rage. These are preventive measures that will take away the urge to display rage.
Considering Professional Assistance
On the other hand, professional assistance should be considered when simple techniques are unable to diffuse anger. Before anything else happens in the workplace or at home, professional assistance should be actively sought by the affected party and the person who showed the dangerous behavior.
Although there are online programs that will help in controlling this type of behavior, professional assistance will provide a better diagnosis about your problem.
When choosing a professional, be sure to look for a person that specializes in this type of behavior. Their experience and education should help you control that type of behavior that could easily destroy your life.
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