Virtualization implementation can be quite tough, and if you do not want to be responsible for it, you always have the option of hiring a vendor who specializes in virtualization for IT.
At the same time, if you choose to go down this route, it is critical for you to make sure you work with a vendor who can walk you through all the steps, who will take the time to analyze your environment to look for opportunities which will allow you to lower costs and enhance your utilization at the same time.
Before you can implement virtualization, it is absolutely critical that you take the time to plan, and plan a great deal. You will need to map out the things that you want to virtualize, and a strategy which is enterprise wide is critical.
It is standard to believe that since you are virtualizing, many of the problems which you currently face can be avoided. But one thing which you must always remember is that you will run into management issues when it comes to changing the software, and you may have thousands of operating systems which need to be patched. This will be true whether you are dealing with virtual machines or physical hardware.
It is critical to be good when it comes to management principles, and if you purchase a virtualization solution with the idea that it will allow you to solve all problems, you are in for a rude awakening.
Overall, it is absolutely critical for you to think in a strategic manner. The biggest mistake that any firm can make is approaching virtualization in a manner which is ad-hoc. Because these companies want quick solutions to their problems, they do not take the time to structure their approach in a manner which is strategic, and this should be an essential part of their asset portfolios.
When virtualization is done in a manner which is ad-hoc, it will be difficult for them to get the complete benefit of planning. It is crucial for enterprises to be capable of understanding the virtual systems, and this must be done with physical planning in mind.
Proper versus Improper Implementation
One good step in properly implementing virtualization is to take the time to look at virtualization from the perspective of the entire IT portfolio. This should be done at the start, and one must consider the best way in which virtualization can be optimized for the augmentation of the physical systems.
To succeed in this area, it is absolutely critical that one know their systems, and know them well. Virtualization is not a simple cure all, and one size will not fit every enterprise. It is not wise nor necessary for an enterprise to virtualize everything. It is first critical for one to have a deep understanding of their IT environment.
In addition to understanding the IT environment, it is also important for one to understand their applications portfolio. Once this is done, it will be a lot easier to decide what can be virtualized, and the best manner for virtualizing it.
Each application must be capable of dealing with a specific type of virtualization, and in many cases, the combination of the OS with the virtualization for applications will offer the biggest ROI. It is absolutely essential to develop a fundamental understanding of prioritizing what matters. If you have two applications, and they need resources during the busy times, you will need to focus on one which is critical to your organization.
For example, if you have one that is a single app, and it is used by the IT department, but you have others which work with your revenue and the customers, it would probably be best to choose the latter. If you want to, it may be necessary to sacrifice the internal objects so that the customers, who are the most important part of your revenue, will be happy.
Prioritization is extremely important, and the reason for this is because it is possible to become a victim of one’s own success. When some people realize the large number of CPUs that they have, they overextend themselves.
Knowing Your Limitations is Key
Even if you have a large number of CPUs at your command, this does not mean that you can take on large jobs. There are other things that must be considered, and if you are not careful, you could run into conflicts. It is important to establish policies which will ensure that the work which is important be given the highest priority.
In order for your policies to be established, it is important to understand the application portfolio, and it is important to understand the ways in which the applications can be driven for your needs to be met. After this has been done, the technology can be used in the appropriate manner.
Virtualization is not a project that will end in a mere two months, it is something that is done for the long term. It is designed to increase the amount of utilization available, and it is also designed to enhance the service levels despite the dynamic involving utilization, which have a tendency to be unpredictable, particularly when it comes to what is happening in the outside world. It is first best to create your overall goals and objectives, and then focus on the short term plans.
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