XML Unit Testing tools Series 1

Avignon allows for true test-first design by letting users express test cases in XML prior to the start of unit development. Avignon is an acceptance test system that allows you to write executable tests in a language that you define.  It uses XML to define the syntax of the language but, if you choose to extend the language, leaves the semantics of the tests up to you.


Running Tests : Avignon is implemented in Java, and is configurable for many different forms of test execution.

Requirement: Junit, HTTPUnit, JAXP, Xalan

Avignon is being released freely under the GPL license. The single ZIP file contains all the jars, classes, source, and javadoc needed to run, as well as a sample test to demonstrate IE browser integration.

Download Avignon

Home Page: http://www.nolacom.com/avignon/index.asp

White Papers : http://www.nolacom.com/avignon/Avignon.pdf

Documentation :

Avignon Documentation
Avignon Developer Cookbook
Avignon Customer Cookbook

 Extensible – Allows you to define the language of tests by creating new XML tags and the handlers that implement them.
 Hierarchical – Unlike single-fixture test systems, XML tags can include other tags within them, allowing for you to define the surrounding state of a given test action.
• Unsurpassed Browser Integration – Comes with a set of handlers to interact with an Avignon Browser, which is an interface to a browser.  Currently Avignon comes packaged with a new Internet Explorer bridge as well as a partial implementation of an HttpUnit browser.

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