OOAD Classes

Understanding the Ways in which Classes are Connected Inheritance is a very important concept within the object oriented programming paradigm. Inheritance is essentially comprised of the merger of two simple concepts, which are reuse and abstractions. To begin with, you may recognize that two constructs, such as X and Y, have something which relates them together. If you do not wish to deal with this shared aspect more than once, then you have the option of creating a construct called Z that will be responsible for holding the commonality, taking… Read More

OOAD Objects Interactions

How Objects Interact Within the world of OOAD, the interaction of objects will occur within patterns, and these patterns may be broken down into two categories, which are different because of the roles which are associated with the participants. The first of these patterns is the event producer object and one or more objects which are connected to the event consumer. The consumer interaction which is associated with the producer may make use of communication which is one-way. Some examples of this include the items on a menu, a buyer… Read More