People Skills – Why Networking Skills are Important

How important it is to meet new people every now and then? If you come to think of it, you can be settled with the current circle of friends that you already have. But there is a constant need to get yourself acquainted to new faces and further relations with people in both your personal and public or work life. In a more technical aspect, this is called networking. Networking is more like expanding your list of friends, but it is more than making friends. When you expand your network,… Read More

People Skills – Why Questioning Skills are Important

How do you expect to get the right kind of information from a communication dialogue? Unless the speaker provides you with the facts and details, you will never find out about the many other things you want to discover if you do not ask questions. Questioning is but a part of an exchange in communication between and among individuals. It is a key tool to learning new knowledge, clearing out confusions and misunderstanding, and in resolving issues. Asking questions is a skill that needs to be honed. By mastering the… Read More

People Skills Tips and Strategies

Humans are born to be social beings. Given this fact, individuals ought to mingle with each other every day through interaction and communication. It is nearly impossible for a single human being not to communicate with another individual in a lifetime. People constantly communicate, interact and exchange ideas on just about anything. But because every individual has a unique personality, not every person is gifted with the ability to deal with people effectively. In many instances and circumstances, you may have come to a realization that getting along with people… Read More