Web Services and Client Server Technology

Web Services and Client Server Technology Introduction to Distributed Computing The Internet and expanded network connectivity established client-sever models as the preferred form of distributed computing. When talking about Client-Server models of networked communication using web services the broadest components of this paradigm become the web browser (functioning as the client) and web server. So by introducing web services into the equation, client/server models become browser/server models. These models are Server-Centric, which make applications easy to load and install, but reduces rich user interaction. Server-Centric applications are currently available from… Read More

Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet

Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet OCSI Environments as IT Infrastructure Client Server Basics Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet (OCSI) environments provide the IT infrastructure for supporting OCSI applications. For our purposes, infrastructure refers to operating systems, networks, middleware, and hardware. OCSI are distributed applications with three core technologies: Client-Server, in which parts of the application behave as clients (or service consumers) and others behave as servers (or service providers); object-oriented programming, which allows applications to be easily created, modified, reused and; the Internet, which provides access to application components, like business logic or databases,… Read More