JavaScript Event Handler

JavaScript Event Handler In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about using event handlers along with events for each HTML tag. Using Event Handler in JavaScript: Event Handlers are used in JavaScript by placing the name of the event handler inside the HTML tag associated with object. This is followed by =’JavaScript code’, the code in JavaScript which must execute when the event fires. The events for each HTML tag are as follows: <A> click (onClick) mouseOver (onMouseOver) mouseOut (onMouseOut) <AREA> mouseOver (onMouseOver) mouseOut (onMouseOut) <BODY> blur (onBlur) error (onError)… Read More

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part II

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part II In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about exception handling viz. try…catch..finally statement and nested try…catch statements along with syntax and examples. try…catch..finally Statement: JavaScript has a finally statement that can be used as an optional construct along with try..catch statements. The finally construct placed in a try…catch construct is an optional statement. When the finally statement is placed in a try…catch construct, it always runs following the try…catch structure. The general syntax of a try…catch..finally statement is as follows: try { …………       //Block… Read More

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part I

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part I In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Exception Handling, Catching errors in JavaScript, Using try..catch statement and throw in JavaScript along with syntax and examples. It is impossible for a programmer to write a program without errors. Programming languages include exceptions, or errors, that can be tracked and controlled. Exception handling is a very important concept in programming technology. In earlier versions of JavaScript, the exceptions handling was not so efficient and programmers found it difficult to use. Later versions of JavaScript resolved… Read More

Using NLP for Personal Development

Using NLP for Personal Development Introduction Organizations today seek employees that are multi talented. Prospective candidates have to exhibit characteristics such as technical expertise, leadership skills, initiative and enthusiasm, communication skills, confidence and self-motivation. Technical professionals of today are provided with a variety of trainings and courses. However, if an individual does not understand the significance of these trainings, it becomes a waste of time, effort and money. Professionals of today need to interact with people of varied personalities. A mismatch of style or approach towards a common goal can… Read More