VSAM Structure

VSAM Structure In this Mainframe tutorial, you will learn about VSAM Structure,  four major areas of VSAM structure, what is VSAM cluster, VSAM components, Defining VSAM cluster and Example for defining VSAM clusters. There are four major areas in the structure of VSAM. They are: The Master catalog The User catalog The Data space The file also called as cluster What is VSAM Cluster? VSAM dataset which we have seen in detail in our earlier section when defined logically takes up the form as a VSAM cluster. Before proceeding to… Read More

JavaScript DOM Window Object

JavaScript DOM Window Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about closed property and name property, defaultStatus, status, self property of JavaScript Window object closed Property of Window Object: The closed property of a Window object returns a Boolean variable denoting whether window has been closed or not. The closed property tells you whether or not a window opened using window.open(). Once a window is opened in JavaScript, its closed property is immediately initialized, with a value of false. When the newly opened window is closed, then the closed… Read More