Avoid Common English Mistakes in Your Resume

Avoid Common English Mistakes in Your Resume When it comes to getting a good job, your resume is a factor that will play a pivotal role in your success or failure. While I’ve talked about the importance of using proper English during the job interview, you won’t even get this far if your resume isn’t high in quality. Introduction While the job interview will require you to "say" the right things, the resume will require you to "write" the correct things. In both cases, using proper English is extremely important.… Read More

UML Elements : State Diagram

UML Elements: State Diagram The state diagram is used as a symbol for finite state machines. It may also be used to represent state transition tables. Of the 13 diagrams available in UML 2.0, the state diagram has some of the most variations. In addition to coming in different forms, it may also use various types of semantics. The traditional form that is used for the state diagram is the directed graph. The directed graph may come with a number of different elements, and some of these are States Q,… Read More

UML Elements : Class Diagram

UML Elements UML 2.0 is comprised of a total of 13 diagrams. If you wish to understand these diagrams, they should be organized based on a hierarchy. For UML, a diagram is an element which must define which things should be modeled in a system. Introduction to Class Diagram In this article, I will go over various diagrams in detail to explain what they are, and how they are useful in the Unified Modeling Language. The first thing I would like to start off with is the class diagram. The… Read More