Enhancing Your Vocabulary

Enhancing Your Vocabulary In this English Vocabulary article you will learn how to enhance your vocabulary, how reading is a crucial part of enhancing your vocabulary, knowing when to use the right vocabulary, questions that you must ask yourself before you use various words and tips for vocabulary mastery. Knowing When To Use The Right Vocabulary As you begin to improve your vocabulary, it is very important for you to learn when and how to use it. Knowing a large word is not enough to showcase your skill. You must also… Read More

Moving towards Service Oriented Architecture

Moving towards Service Oriented Architecture From 2006 to 2007 the major trend in information technology (IT) has been the shift from building infrastructure to service-based or Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). These trends emerge from a growing dissatisfaction with dated systems such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. This article will discuss the current trends that see ERPs giving way to SOAs. Background Until recently, IT systems were dominated by a focus on infrastructure. IT infrastructure refers to the hardware and software that maintains and organizes information… Read More

JSP Response Object

JSP Response Object In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP Response object, Methods of response Object, setContentType(), addCookie(Cookie cookie), containsHeader(String name), setHeader(String name, String value), sendRedirect(String) and sendError(int status_code). The response object denotes the HTTP Response data. The result or the information of a request is denoted with this object. The response object handles the output of the client. This contrasts with the request object. The class or the interface name of the response object is http.HttpServletResponse. The response object is written: Javax.servlet.http.httpservletresponse. The response object is generally… Read More