How To Maintain Etiquette In Conversation

How To Maintain Etiquette In Conversation Effective communicating or conversation stems from the ability of a person to properly construct phrases or sentences that will go directly to the point. No dilly dallying and to immediately emphasize the message coming from the sender towards the receiver without obstructions such as the use of unnecessary words to be able to solicit the full attention of the listener is what every person should primarily consider when they start a conversation with another person. Outline and Understood the Points for Discussion There are… Read More

JSP Directive Tag and Scriptlet tag

JSP Directive Tag and Scriptlet tag In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about two types of Directive tag namely Include and Tag Lib and also Scriptlet tag used in Java Server Pages along with syntax, usage, example and explanation for each of the tag. Include directive: Include directive is a type of directive tag. If a programmer wants to include contents of a file inside another, then the Include directive is used. The file included can be either static ( HTML file) or dynamic (i.e., another tag file). The… Read More

JSP Page Directive

JSP Page Directive In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP page directive, attributes of the page directive along with syntax, examples and explanations. autoFlush: autoFlush attribute is used to specify whether or not to automatically flush out the output buffer when it is full.  Syntax of autoFlush attribute available for page directive is written as: <%@ page autoFlush = "true|false" %> In the above example, page and autoFlush are keywords. True or false value can be set to autoFlush attribute, by default, its value is true . This means, the buffer… Read More