Structured Query Language (SQL) – Basic Concepts

Structured Query Language (SQL) – Basic Concepts Having query about what a SQL is? It is Structured Query language. It is a non procedural language and it is a database language. Categories in SQL commands There are 3 broad categories in SQL commands. They are namely Data Definition language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Transaction Control Commands Under each category there are many SQL commands. Let us see each in brief. Commands under Data Definition language (DDL) This category include creating, dropping and altering table commands CREATE TABLE is used… Read More

Introduction to JCL

Introduction to JCL This article provides a basic coverage on concepts of MVS/JCL .The topics covered in this article are – Introduction to Job Control language, Basic concepts of JCL, Job & Job steps, Concepts of Job Statements and Positional & Keyword parameters. JES2/JES3 It is a Batch operating environment. In batch mode we submit or send processing request (JCL) to the system and then we can do some other tasks namely, one can read a book, do some other program etc. Our processing request is put into queue along… Read More