Oracle 9i Procedures and Functions

This tutorial covers Developing Procedures and Functions, Creating a Procedure, Executing a Procedure, Creating a Function, Executing a Function, Passing Parameters – IN Parameters, OUT Parameters, IN OUT Parameters, Purity of a User-Defined Function and Positional and Named Notations. Oracle 9i : Procedures and Functions PL/SQL subprograms A subprogram is a named block of PL/SQL. There are two types of subprograms in PL/SQL namely Procedures and Functions. Every subprogram will have a declarative part, an executable part or body, and an exception handling part, which is optional. Declarative part contains… Read More

SQL Server 2000: Using System and Extended Stored Procedures

This tutorial covers how to use System Stored Procedures which are stored in master and msdb databases and normally begin with ‘sp_’ and Extended Stored Procedures normally begin with ‘xp_’.Using System Stored Procedures Whenever you add a database, add a login, create a table or modify any object, the changes reflect in the system tables. System tables are used by the SQL server’s for its own reference but we can also view their contents. But the information stored in them is somewhat in binary or unreadable format, therefore Microsoft has… Read More

SQL Server 2000: Securing Your Stored Procedure

This tutorial explains how to secure your stored procedures if you ever need to.  Procedures resides on the database server in open fashion. It means that every body can easily access and view its code. Securing Your Stored ProcedureStored Procedures resides on the database server in open fashion. It means that every body can easily access and view its code. They are present in “syscomments” system table in each database and completely accessible. In order to secure it, we can encrypt them by using “WITH ENCRYPTION” keyword. Remember that encrypting… Read More