Category: VBScript Tutorial
Microsoft’s VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic, a more developed scripting language, and is commonly used on the Web as a client side scripting language and server-side processing in ASPs (Active Server Pages). The interpreted script language VBScript is designed for Web Browser interpretation. VBScript is similar to scripting languages, including; Netscape’s JavaScript, Sun Microsystem’s Tcl, IBM’s Rexx and the UNIX-derived Perl. These scripting languages have been designed to be used as an extension for html language. A Web Browser receives the scripts for websites through web page documents that are then parsed and processed.
VBScript, like JavaScript (Jscript) is an ActiveX-enabled scripting language that connects to scripting hosts such as Internet Explorer and performs functions locally using the Windows Script Host (WSH). As a general rule, scripting languages are coded faster and simpler than in the compiled languages of C and C++. VBScript is structured and used with smaller programs with limited capability. Programmers, developers and IT professionals learning VBScript should also be familiar with ASP (Active Server Pages) and possess SQL Server commercial experience. Tutorials on VBScript include controlling script routines, working with objects, variables, forms and general VBScript information.