Managing SQA Projects

Managing SQA Projects No matter how big a project is, there will always be a person who will be overseeing the whole project. They are usually the project managers and in this case, called the SQA managers. SQA managers are always at the forefront of everything, answering to the business manager regarding the status of the application and informing the subordinates regarding updates or the new policies about the application. That is generally the work of every manager, supervisor or anyone who has people working under their guidance. But to… Read More

Identifying SQA Issues

Identifying SQA Issues Software Quality Assurance is a good practice that every large scale business should employ. IT related businesses have never hesitated to use SQA to ensure that the application they will release for their users or sell to their customers will live up to their expectations. Identifying SQA Issues Software Quality Assurance is a good practice that every large scale business should employ. IT related businesses have never hesitated to use SQA to ensure that the application they will release for their users or sell to their customers… Read More


Why SQA There are so many reasons why a company should consider SQA. It is all about business survival and SQA is just one of the many tools the company should effectively use. And just like a tool, it has to be effectively used to its maximum. If the tool is not used to its full extent, the tool will just be a financial burden to the company. SQA should also be utilized at the same way – to its full extent. One of the reasons why businesses and companies… Read More

SQA Costs and Benefits

SQA Costs and Benefits Software Quality Assurance has been developed for years and it has been proven to be useful for some situations. We have to emphasize the word “some” since there are companies who have disputed the idea of SQA with so many reasons. Taking a look at the reasons, it all goes down to the idea of getting your money’s worth. Companies have to work with SQA may have found the benefits against its costs. On the other hand, there are companies that have completely ignored the idea… Read More

SQA Implementation

SQA Implementation Developers and the SQA team create a development plan before they build an application. The developers write following the SDLC plan while the SQA team writes the Software Quality Assurance Plan to ensure that the SDLC plan was executed. If these documents by the developers and the SQA is well written and organized, the application that is about to be developed is already half-way done. Even though the documents are well written, these are all nothing when those written are not followed. That is why equally important to… Read More

SQA Lifecycle Standards

SQA Lifecycle Standards Software Quality Assurance procedures have finally been standardized and have been virtually perfected after years of planning on how to perfect the application standardization. Through experience, the company was able to place in writing how to develop a plan for software development. Because it has been standardized, the application that was developed using SQA could be recognized worldwide because it has been made according to the standards. Along with the standards, the metrics are also standardized. More than anything else written in the report, the clients who… Read More

SQA Planning and Requirements

SQA Planning and Requirements The scope of Software Quality Assurance or SQA starts from the planning of the application until it is being distributed for the actual operations. To successfully monitor the application build up process, the SQA team also has their written plan. In a regular SQA plan, the team will have enumerated all the possible functions, tools and metrics that will be expected from the application. SQA planning will be the basis of everything once the actual SQA starts. Without SQA planning, the team will never know what… Read More

SQA Approaches and Methodologies

SQA Approaches and Methodologies A scientific approach should have methods. As a scientific process, a stage or a step should be established or used to ensure the final product is according to the user’s specifications. The method is usually determined through the wishes of the clients, the available manpower and circumstances. It is not that the clients specify the actual method for a scientific approach but the client’s provider takes into consideration the need of the clients. Using the facts and data provided by the client, the method for developing… Read More

SQA Analysis

SQA Analysis Software Quality Assurance is all about analysis. One of the major purposes of this discipline is to know the inner workings of an application. To do this, careful analysis has to be exercised at all times. Although there are programs and applications that aid in knowing the inner workings and the actual performance of an application, these are only numbers and they would be nothing if they are not used for analysis. Every person proficient in SQA needs to have that analytic personality for them to be successful… Read More

SQA Software and Tools

SQA Software and Tools In quality assurance, it is always important to get all the help we could get. In other industries, developers could easily check the products manually and discard those that do not meet the standard. The length and the width of the product are checked to maintain standardization of the product. Others use special machines to check the product. With tools and machines, they can easily set a standard with their products. That also goes the same with software and applications. Although it does not use physical… Read More

SQA Project Metrics

SQA Project Metrics The application is only as good as its numbers. It is a harsh reality but everything has to come down to the numbers. Although we can enumerate tens or hundreds of features in a single application, it will all be for nothing if the metrics do not live up according to expectation. The SQA team should ensure that the expected metrics will be posted. At the same time, the SQA team should also select the right tool to gauge the application. There are hundreds of applications that… Read More

SQA Planning

SQA Planning Planning is one of the most important aspects of Software Quality Assurance. The entire operation of the SQA team depends on how well their planning is done. In smaller businesses, planning might not really dictate the flow of SQA but in larger businesses, SQA Planning takes on center stage. Without it, each component or department that works on the application will be affected and will never function. In gist, SQA Planning tackles almost every aspect of SQA’s operation. Through planning, each member and even non-member of the SQA… Read More

SQA Principles

SQA Principles Developing a software is not just writing codes, they are essentially answers to pressing problems may it be in the office or just to cure boredom – just like in games. Underlying these answers to problems and needs are principles that guide the developers in their software development.   The SQA team also has to follow certain principles. As a provider of quality assurance for procedures and application, they need to have a strong foundation on what to believe in and what to stand for. These principles will… Read More

What is Software Quality Assurance?

What is Software Quality Assurance? Business software is never built overnight. It takes a lot of planning, consultation and testing to be able to come up with an initial version of the application. If a business hurries up the development of a certain application, they would end up spending more in addressing the problem the application brought than they have earned. This could even be more frustrating when the software being developed is set to be sold to customers or for public use. But a bug free program is not… Read More

Software Quality Assurance Training

Software Quality Assurance Training In this training session you will learn about SQA – Software Quality Assurance, SQA Principles, .SQA Planning, SQA Project Metrics, SQA Software and Tools, SQA Analysis, SQA Approaches and Methodologies, SQA Planning and Requirements, SQA Lifecycle Standards, SQA Implementation, SQA Costs and Benefits, Why SQA is required and more…   What is Software Quality Assurance? Business software is never built overnight. It takes a lot of planning, consultation and testing to be able to come up with an initial version of the application. If a business… Read More