Structured Query Language (SQL) – Basic Concepts

Structured Query Language (SQL) – Basic Concepts Having query about what a SQL is? It is Structured Query language. It is a non procedural language and it is a database language. Categories in SQL commands There are 3 broad categories in SQL commands. They are namely Data Definition language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Transaction Control Commands Under each category there are many SQL commands. Let us see each in brief. Commands under Data Definition language (DDL) This category include creating, dropping and altering table commands CREATE TABLE is used… Read More

Pros and cons of client/server computing

Pros and cons of client/server computing Having got a overview or a glimpse of what a client/server computing is let us see what are the advantages of using the client/server computing technology or in other words let us see the reasons why the client/server computing has gained popularity among database world. Before knowing about the advantages and disadvantages of any technology it is good to have knowledge of the same. The below paragraph talk about what a Client/Server computing is. The Client/Server computing has three components in it namely: Client… Read More

Quality Aspects to Check While Writing COBOL Program

Quality Aspects to Check While Writing COBOL Program This article gives a general list which the programmer must check while delivering programs developed in COBOL. This can also be used as a general checklist for checking quality of the COBOL program developed. Quality is a vital factor for all deliverables in software. This is because of the following reasons: To improve the quality of deliverables To ensure completeness of deliverables To ensure correctness of deliverables To improve maintainability To minimize orientation and study time To make timely delivery To reduce… Read More

Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS)

Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) First let us start with an insight to the topic Multiple Virtual Storage. MVS stands for Multiple Virtual Storage and this is the technology used mainly with IBM mainframe systems. MVS origin is interesting to know. The first developed technology was MVT which stands for Multitasking with a Variable number of Tasks which supported the multitasking facility. Then this got improved to a technology called SVS also called as Single Virtual Storage in which several tasks share the same adddress space. From Single Virtual Storage only… Read More

Features of OOP

Features of OOP OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming and the language that support this Object Oriented programming features is called Object oriented Programming Language. An example of a language that support this Object oriented features is C++. Features of Object oriented Programming The Objects Oriented programming language supports all the features of normal programming languages. In addition it supports some important concepts and terminology which has made it popular among programming methodology. The important features of Object Oriented programming are: Inheritance Polymorphism Data Hiding Encapsulation Overloading Reusability Let us… Read More

ISPF – Know about it

ISPF – Know about it ISPF is also called as Interactive System Productive Facility. One would be able to create job streams using ISPF. Interactive System Productive Facility is a toolset for IBM operating system say MVS which is used for mainframe computers. But the interesting aspect is panel used with Interactive System Productive Facility also called as ISPF Panel is different and one must have knowledge in starting and using the facilities in this ISPF panel. Let us discuss how to use ISPF panel. Accessing ISPF This is done… Read More

Important Terminologies used in Database

Important Terminologies used in Database First let us know what a database is. A database is a collection of interrelated data. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. To name a few Relational Database Management Systems are Oracle, Sybase and Informix and so on. Now let us see important concepts and terms used in this. Database systems are composed of DBMS and database application. Table This is the structure defined to store data under it. It is also called as an ENTITY. Fields It is also known as attributes in… Read More

Semaphore in UNIX – An Overview

Semaphore in UNIX – An Overview Insight about Semaphore:  First let us begin our topic by giving an insight to what is actually a semaphore. A semaphore is nothing but a term used in UNIX for a variable which acts as a counter. So the next question that comes in mind is what for we need this variable. It’s so simple. The reason is explained below. For instance there may be times when two processes try to access the same file simultaneously. In this event we must control the access… Read More

Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle The product developed which achieves customer satisfaction is not done in a single step. It involves series of steps in a software development process. This is needed to develop quality products with error free products to achieve customer satisfaction. There are many models available in the software development process. But majority of software development process follow the model named as software development life cycle. This software develop life cycle has number of steps in it. The below article describes about the software development life cycle and… Read More

Table space – Important concept of Database

Table space – Important concept of Database Wondering what a Table space is!!!!!!!! Database is divided into one or more logical storage units known as table space. The table space is created by database administrator. After the table space gets created by administrator tables can be created by users in their table space in other words tables can be created in the table space provided for the users. Also one has to understand that table space is a logical area of storage but data present in table occupy physical storage… Read More

Types and Levels of Testing in Programming

Types and Levels of Testing in Programming Testing is an important step in software development life cycle. The process of testing takes place at various stages of development in programming. This is a vital step in development life cycle because the process of testing helps to identify the mistakes and sends the program for correction. This process gets repeated at various stages until the final unit or program is found to be complete thus giving a total quality to the development process. The various levels and types of testing found… Read More

Feasibility Study – Why needed before programming

Feasibility Study – Why needed before programming In this tutorial you will learn about Feasibility Study – Why needed before programming, analysis made in feasibility study and advantages of making Feasibility study. The feasibility study is the important step in any software development process. This is because it makes analysis of different aspects like cost required for developing and executing the system, the time required for each phase of the system and so on. If these important factors are not analyzed then definitely it would have impact on the organization… Read More

Design Documents in Programming Methodology

Design Documents in Programming Methodology In this tutorial you will learn about Design Documents in Programming Methodology, What is actually a design document, Kinds of design documents – High Level Design Document, Low Level Design Document and Uses of Design Document What is actually a design document! The design document gets developed by designer’s who design this in order to give description of the product which the developers in the software development team use to develop the product. In short the design document gives in a nutshell the main idea… Read More

Debugging – An Important Aspect in Programming

Debugging – An Important Aspect in Programming In this tutorial you will learn about Debugging – A Important Aspect in Programming, Detection or Finding of the Bug, What the bug or fault is, Where it has occurred, How it is caused, Important Factors to Consider while debugging, Debuggers utilities and functions – Step-By-Step, Breakpoint. After developing a program the next step is to test the program to find whether the program function and produces output as desired. In real situations the program when run immediately after developed will give errors… Read More