Oracle 9i Software Installation, SQL, PLSQL and SQL *Plus References

Before we actually start with the lessons, we need to install and setup Oracle on your pc to be able to practice. I would recommend all of you to install Oracle before you start with any of our lessons in the following weeks.

Please use discussion board for any questions you might have in this Learning Series. That helps other users answering the same questions. Next week we will be starting with our first lesson. In the mean time please setup your pc with Oracle Software.

Follow the link to download the appropriate version according to your operating system. Download Oracle. You need to register with Oracle for free account to download the free educational version.

What Oracle Software will I need to learn Oracle?

Given the vast array of products listed above, one should assume it is not feasible to learn ALL of the Oracle products at one time. Below is a suggested series of steps to gradually build your Oracle knowledge using the minimum amount of software.

If you have a reasonably equipped PC (256 MB RAM, 15 GB disk space free, Windows 2000 or XP Professional OS), you can run both a server instance and the client tools on the same machine.

If your goal is to … Acquire this software…
Learn the basics of SQL, Stored Procedures, Triggers and the Oracle data dictionary
e.g., in preparation for the first OCP exam.
Personal Oracle 8i for Windows NT/2000 or Windows 98 (includes the DBMS and SQL*Plus tool)
OR, if you have the necessary disk space and at least 256 MB of RAM, consider Personal Oracle 9i for Windows NT/2000/XP or Windows 98.
Learn how to develop client side applications (forms, reports)
e.g., for development of a 2 or 3 tier client/server project
Personal Oracle 8i or 9i (see above) and Oracle Developer 6i or Oracle Developer 9i
Learn how to develop client side applications in Java (forms, reports)
e.g., for development of a 2 or 3 tier client/server project
Personal Oracle 8i or 9i (see above) and Oracle JDeveloper 9i

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