Oracle SQL*Loader – Working with Discarded and Rejected Records

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the options in SQL*Loader for generating Bad File, SQL*Loader Rejects, Oracle Database Rejects, Discard File, Log File and Logging Information. Consider a scenario where you have a data file with city, states and zip codes. You are interested in loading data only for one particular state and reject any record which does not have a zip code. Such records which you are not interested can be in the discard file. SQL*Loader rejects records with missing quotes and Oracle database rejects records… Read More

SQL*Loader – Loading Data from Data Files

In this tutorial you will learn about SQL*Loader – Input Data and Datafiles, Fixed Record Format, Variable Record Format and Stream Record Format. SQL*Loader is useful when you need to load the files in batch mode. SQL* Loader supports three different type of data files. You will need to specify the “INFILE” parameter with the file format and additional parameters required. Fixed Record Format: This format is useful when you have a data file with fixed layout. Variable Record Format: This format is used when you have different record lengths… Read More

Oracle Data Pump Export

In this tutorial you will learn how to use Oracle Data Pump Export, Invoking Data Pump Export from command prompt and Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). I am going leave the rest of the export options as home work for you. Make sure you try out other options and parameters and then come back and share your comments and discoveries over here, which will help several other exforsys community members who come here is search of knowledge and information. So then, let me begin to show you about the Oracle Data… Read More

Oracle Data Pump Import

Data Pump Import in Oracle In this tutorial you will learn how to use Oracle Data Pump Import, Invoking Data Pump import from command prompt and Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). I am going leave the rest of the import options as home work for you. Make sure you try out other options and parameters and then come back and share your comments and discoveries over here, which will help several other exforsys community members who come here is search of knowledge and information. So then, let me begin to show… Read More

Working with Oracle Listener

NOTE: "Working with Listener in Oracle" tutorial has been updated with Oracle 11g Version. This tutorial will teach you how to start, stop and check the status of the Oracle Listener through Enterprise Manager. Oracle Listener provides crucial information on database connection state. In case of any issue with the database connection, I would first check to see if the listener started properly or not. Hence it is important to be familiar with Listener functionality. Startup listener through Command Prompt Check listener status – The command to check the status… Read More

Oracle 10g Installation Guide on Windows 7

Oracle 10g Installation tutorial depicts step by step installation of Oracle 10g on Windows 7, 64bit (10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_db) operating system. Installation on Windows 7 will return a operating system version compatibility error. However, there will not be any such issue during installation on older version of Windows operating system. It is important to note that this installation method is neither certified nor recommended by Oracle. If you are planning to install Oracle 10g for production purpose then please follow the Oracle specified installation guidelines and use only the correct and supported… Read More