Cluster Supercomputer

The addition of nodes to build a cluster to support file sharing, functions, applications and websites all point to one thing – building a supercomputer. The collection of nodes that would eventually form a cluster would be part of something bigger which could easily support almost any type of workload without showing any signs of downtime. The idea of preventing single point of failure, adding monitoring and measurement tools and even considering the external factors that might jeopardize infrastructure are also small parts towards the ultimate goal of building a… Read More

Clustering through Server Farms

Businesses that have online global operations have to make sure that their data is available for their users 24/7. A single downtime could mean millions of losses as this could reflect not only the company’s inability to provide timely service but would ruin the company’s reputation. Through sheer competition, any business could lose all the clients even for just a single downtime. Most businesses spend thousands or even millions of dollars just to make sure there is no single point of failure and the probable reasons for a downtime could… Read More

Two-Node Clusters

Small businesses could be easily affected by any small changes in their business setting. Because of their small operation, they have to make sure that their cash flow is consistent to ensure they would be able to continue operating in the near future. A single downtime in their operation could mean substantial losses that they might be forced to close down. They need to have stability to ensure survival in the rugged business setting. This is the challenge that online small businesses face. They have to make sure their website… Read More

Compute Clusters and Grid Computing

Grid computing and compute clusters are two forms of computer clustering that could be differentiated based on the relationship of their nodes. The nodes in grid computing often have little to no relationship with each other as each node provide specific function for the completion of a specific problem or computation. Compute clusters on the other hand requires an active relationship of each nodes so that the right computation could be achieved. Although they could be used for business purposes, these types of computer clusters are usually used for scientific… Read More

High Availability Clustering

The trend for most businesses is to provide their services or sell their products online. By tapping the internet, they would be able to expand their customer base not only in their physical location but globally as well. Other businesses that can’t provide their services or sell their products online still use the power of the internet to provide additional information to their prospective customers. The data, products and services they provide have to be available to their customers 24/7. A downtime for businesses means loss of precious customers and… Read More

Infrastructure Consideration in Clustering

The performance of clustering is based on how the nodes are configured. Although the maintenance, control and monitoring of nodes in the cluster is based on the software that runs through different clusters, it is the hardware capability that determines how far the application could be pushed further. No matter how efficient the application is, the computing capability of the application will still be influenced by the hardware. For that reason, the major consideration in establishing clusters is on the hardware. The right servers, routers, switches etc., is very important… Read More

Load Balancing Clustering

Every business wants to ensure their online operations such as their e-store or online application for customer service works well anytime of the day. They need to have powerful servers, applications and the right clustering to ensure a fail safe operation for their users. Clustering pushes the functions of an application to be faster or ensures data availability’s faster transfer. With the right clustering form, online or network (for local use) needs could be easily serviced. An ideal clustering form to ensure stability is load balancing. Clustering by load balancing… Read More

Clustering on P2P

P2P or Person-to-Person is a type of network wherein the connection is based on different users. Instead of a regular server-client relationship for files, use of applications and other network related activities, the members of the P2P becomes the client and the server. While a member of the network is trying to access an application or download a file, the same member is a server wherein another member of network is trying to access the file. This trend will continue in the entire network. The success of P2P is practically… Read More

Clustering Security

Clustering security is one of the most important factors that needs to be considered during clustering. Connectivity, especially when they are implemented through the internet, is susceptible to any type of attack.  The attacks to clustering of nodes could come in different forms – it could be as simple as a virus wherein its sole purpose is to destroy files or could be a very powerful spyware that can easily hijack the controls of nodes for malicious purposes. Those who want to implement clustering have to make sure the nodes, the connections and the… Read More

GPU Clusters

Improving cluster performance is all about using the right hardware. Administrators could implement improvements in their clusters with the right equipments that are geared towards improvement of computing. However, the changes required to improve cluster performance could be costly for the business. Additional powerful nodes, better infrastructure and connections and updated application to control the nodes are only some of the requirements in improving the computing performance of the clusters. Some businesses are just forced to contend with what they have and wait for additional revenues before they can implement certain changes.… Read More

Virtual Machine Clustering

Virtualization is a very popular concept today. The development of technology has pushed forward the realization that everything could be done online. Instead of a local installation on a gadget, an application could be used online which emulates the functions and even more when compared to local gadget. As long as there is a reliable connection, virtualization is possible. Virtualization could even be implemented in clustering. Instead of physical computers or nodes, virtual nodes are created wherein each node has the same capability except that they are never physical. With… Read More

Clusters – Monitoring and Measurement

Clustering is a very sensitive part of business operation especially when the business is focused on their online operation. Although highly technical, its stability suggests the success of the company’s operation. Proper clustering ensures that the online or even local network connections will remain stable and optimized. Clustering will also require resources and the right manpower as these requires consistent check and monitoring. But monitoring is not only done by manually checking each node that composes a cluster. There should be monitoring and measurement tools implemented in different nodes so… Read More

Clustering Applications

With the right configuration, clustering can prevent a single point of failure either by distributing workload to different aspects such as workload balancing or by having a back-up node such as HA (High Availability) clustering which implements efficient failover.  The hardware components in clustering are very important. They can push the applications and files faster because of their increased capability. All of these will not be possible if the hardware is not properly installed. Even the external factors that might single-handedly place the clusters in danger should be considered in… Read More

Introduction to Clustering

The usability of computers increase every year as technology constantly evolves to something better. The computer that was presented almost a decade ago cannot even do a fraction of what a computer does today. From simple document creation and editing to complicated movie editing, a computer could virtually do it all today. No one really knows what a computer could do after five years but it will surely make everyone’s lives a little better as technology provides better assistance to a consumer’s way of life. But our needs cannot be… Read More