Positive Transformation of Negative Thoughts

A train of negative thoughts may lead the person to view the world in a different way, one that lacks acknowledgement of the good things that are happening to the community and to the world. This is referred to as pessimism, wherein your mind is clouded with so much negativity that for every situation and circumstance, your only prediction is the worst-case scenarios. Pessimists are characterized by a lack of appreciation to the good outcomes of a situation, having the attitude of a quitter to posed challenges, not seeing the… Read More

Dealing with a Negative Thinker

Negative thinkers have this tendency to infect and affect the people they deal with. It can be as contagious as a communicable disease because it triggers the people to react and respond differently to the negative thoughts of the person. It is no wonder that a pessimist or a negative thinker is not getting attention and appreciation, given the fact that they can also disturb other people’s minds. Positivity, on the other hand, is just as contagious as negativity. In your society or the kind of environment you belong to,… Read More

How to Overcome Negative Thinking

When you catch yourself entertaining negative thoughts lately, do not let yourself fall into the trap of negative thinking. Do not let your negative thoughts manipulate and take control over you. Rather, learn how to direct these intrusive thoughts and transform them into positive ones. The habit of negative thinking can still be changed and overcome if you take a conscious effort to gradually get rid of it. Just as there many ways to develop negative thinking, there are also numerous ways to conquer it. You cannot just settle for… Read More

Negative Thinking on Personal Relationships

Very few people would probably want to hang around a negative thinker. Negativity is just too contagious and once it starts to creep in to your system, you might end up becoming a changed person, the kind of change you have always dreaded. People tend to create negative thinking patterns for thoughts that are intrusive and disturbing yet being affirmed in one’s wholeness. Dwelling in negativity can cause utter destruction in your life in the various aspects of it. Apart from personal outlook or your view of the world and… Read More

Impact of Negative Intrusive Thinking on Personality

The impact of negative thinking on an individual can transform his life in a way he would not ideally want it to be. Thoughts are very random and varied. If the mind is dominated by intrusive thoughts, it affects your totality as a person. It impacts the entire well-being be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. It also adversely transforms your individual perceptions in life and turns you into a pessimist. The way you develop or damage your personal outlook solely depends on how you deal with it. One essential element… Read More

Impact of Negative Thinking on Emotions

What the mind perceives, the body achieves. It is simply denoting that at any level of thought, there is always a corresponding effect on the body whether on the mental, physical, and emotional aspect. The brain feeds the mind with different thoughts at various levels. These thoughts are being processed in the mind and are expressed in various means of manifestations. Thoughts also create an impact on the brain, depending on the manner of thinking there is. Happy thoughts exude a positive aura and feeling while bad and disturbing thoughts… Read More

Health Effects of Negative Thinking

Human thoughts shape the disposition and mood of individuals. When one demonstrates negative thinking, it simply means filling the thoughts with negativities that affect an individual’s frame of mind and reduce energy level. Your train of thoughts and personal beliefs create a sense of impact to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This is because your thoughts, feelings, and actions are interconnected and one affects the other. So, if you keep on thinking negative, it may trigger negative emotions, particularly anxiety and depression. Not everyone is aware that having a… Read More

Overcoming Depressive Thinking Styles

Do you tend to see things on a negative light? Do you negatively react when things go wrong? Do you allow feelings of negativity and hopelessness to creep in your emotional state? If you are noticing such symptoms, you may be running the risk of experiencing depression. Individuals who tend to think more of the negative things about themselves, their perceptions, and about the world are more prone to going through mood disorders at some point in their lives. Developing the habit of negative thinking impacts your feelings and behavior,… Read More

Depression and Negative Thinking

You may experience feeling low or worried lately and notice that this has been an ongoing pattern running for quite a while now. It could be an alarming symptom of depression or it could be depression itself. One notable manifestation of a depressed individual is experiencing worry and anxiety for a prolonged period of time. Many factors cause depression on a person. The condition is generally demonstrated through a person’s disturbed manner of thinking, change in attitude or behavior, decline in social relationships, and problems in physical well-being. This article… Read More

Common Patterns of Negative Thinking

The manner of thinking is spontaneous in most cases. You do not force yourself to think because it is something that the mind does all of the time, automatically. Thoughts are so varied that they seem uncontrollable sometimes. Thoughts can just pop up out of blue in the mind, may seem weird, can be intrusive in the middle of a busy day, and may even disrupt sleep. It can generate varied images in the head that may either induce happiness or unpleasantness. Negative Thinking Patterns in the Mind During instances… Read More

Negative Thinking Traps

A major contribution to failure and a destructor of self-confidence is the manner of negative thinking. When you think negatively, you are only affirming the worst that could happen to yourself or others in a situation. If negative thinking becomes a habit, you gradually reduce the level of confidence in your thinking patterns and even in actions. It also minimizes your ability to assert your needs and opinions. Such mental attitude makes you question or underrate the value of your own thoughts, emotions, and needs. That is why it is… Read More

Negative Thinking Styles

The manner of negative thinking comes in different styles. Not all people think alike in both positive and negative aspects, and neither are the thoughts similar. Negative thinking may be categorized into mediocre thinking (positive, neutral, or negative) and extraordinarily negative thinking. These two styles, which are governed by negative thoughts, will be further elaborated in this article. Mediocre Thinking Mediocre thinking pertains to the style of thinking in average or middle levels. Mediocre thinkers produce thoughts in moderate style, not so bad and not so impressive as well. The… Read More

Causes of Negative Thinking

Thoughts feed the mind with what to do, how to act, what to say, and how to react. Thoughts do not enter the mind one at a time. They seem to randomly pop up in your mind from nowhere. Thus, monitoring these thoughts is just but necessary in order to keep it within control. In the process of understanding thoughts, two types of mental attitudes are also demonstrated: positive and negative thinking. Both of these mental processes are rooted from various reasons and causes. Since negative thoughts seem to come… Read More

Positive Thinking versus Negative Thinking

The human mind performs a never-ending process of generating thoughts, whether it is conscious or unconscious. Just like a heavy traffic of cars on the highway, the human mind is capable of producing hundreds of thoughts even in a short span of time. It has been proven that the pattern of thinking affects emotions. Anything that occupies the mind also dictates the current state of emotion of an individual. Happy thoughts generate a blissful feeling; bad thoughts cause a negative feeling. Yet, it seems that for most individuals, a negative… Read More

Definition of Negative Thinking

Human thoughts, feelings, and actions or behaviors are closely related and can indirectly affect each other. The human mind is powerful that it can generate thoughts even beyond normal means of thinking. People tend to develop thought habits that can eventually shape their lives. In general, the mind is capable of producing two major types of thoughts: good and bad. These thoughts send off signals to the human emotions manipulating how it should feel. Good thoughts generate good feelings while negative feelings are a product of bad or negative thoughts.… Read More