Standard International Protocols

So, your company has decided to bring business in the international field. What other ways to be recognized in the global business arena but to be competitive in the industry where other business organizations are actively joining in the competition? In order to be closer to international business success, executives and the company as a whole employ the critical elements that include not only the business aspect but international etiquette, manners, and cross-cultural interaction with clients around the world. Respect and appreciation for intercultural differences or cultural diversity is the… Read More

Resignation Etiquette

In the aspects of our career, there are times when we need to make a career change due to various reasons. For most individuals, seeking for better career opportunities is the primary reason. Others need to leave their current employer due to relocation purposes and personal reasons. Whatever the motive is for resigning, a professional must practice proper resignation etiquette in order to make a graceful exit. Observing appropriate resignation manner keeps the cordial relationship between you and your employer. Leaving your job can be quite difficult to do, but… Read More

Cross Cultural Etiquette

In the business world, cross-cultural negotiations and affiliations occur, especially if the business is larger in scope. A business organization that can provide world-class service thrives in the business. Corporate individuals must possess the skills that can be a competitive edge to the global industry. Adaptability or flexibility is an essential factor. Specifically in socializing with business people of different race or nationality, being able to demonstrate the desirable business and social etiquettes appropriate for the standards of the culture of the other party is one of the keys to… Read More

Social Etiquette

Social etiquettes are enforced on all of us to act and behave accordingly with manners that are deemed respectable and courteous to other people in the various aspects of our lives. A person who lacks proper social manners is regarded as rude and uncouth, having no sense of consideration and respect towards others. Definitely, most of us are aware of the appropriate manners to display but some of us may have misplaced them. In the workplace, social etiquettes must be practiced by the employees regardless of the rank and position… Read More

Business Etiquette

One of the bases of every successful business organization is having proper business etiquette. The way a business person demonstrates behavior at any given situation is an essential element in gaining success in the business world. If you are in the business and you maintain appropriate etiquette for business, people respond to you positively and in a manner that calls for respect. In the business setting, the first impression you will get from people depends on your business etiquette because that is what they remember about you when dealing with… Read More

Corporate Etiquette

The manner of conducting oneself in a corporate setting is very important to the image and reputation of the company. Our conditioning and corporate values are brought to the surface. To some companies, corporate etiquette is highly regarded and strictly manifested by the employees. Our work attitude and behavior can make or break us as career individuals. One small action can create a good impression or can be misinterpreted by others.   Many professionals may not give it much thought but good office manners and professional etiquette contribute to their… Read More

Party Time Etiquette

Companies hold events and parties as a way of building good interpersonal relationships among employees. Some of these common events are company anniversaries, Christmas parties, and other company-related occasions. Every employee is encouraged to socialize with other individuals during these events in order to get acquainted with people from other departments and possibly create good cordial relationships at work. When it comes to socialization though, not everyone is trained with good and socially acceptable manners at parties. As career individuals, you are expected to manifest appropriate etiquette during corporate events… Read More

Dress Etiquette

We keep on hearing people say to dress up accordingly for the occasion. Well, cliché as it may sound, it is indeed true. They may say that you dress up to please yourself and not others. But sometimes, society or the nature of a certain group or even an event presses us to adhere to the norms. In a work setting, there are certain limitations in the manner of dressing up. This is because the nature of a workplace requires the individuals to be businesslike and professional not just in… Read More

Dining Etiquette

Business meetings and negotiations are usually conducted over a meal. Business executives need to observe proper dining etiquette in a business meal. Table manners are very essential whether you are trying to close a deal or a potential employer is taking you to a lunch or dinner interview. Just as with any type of etiquette, dining etiquette is designed to keep the socially accepted behavior on the table. For example, you may think that it is perfectly fine to pick the food from the plate using your fingers but your… Read More

Online Etiquette

Paper-based and telephone communication are no longer becoming the primary forms of communication in the modern workplace. Since the advent of internet technology, online or electronic communication is now becoming prevalent in all business organizations. Ever since internet has been used for business, it has helped increase the profit, increased the productivity of the working individuals, and made business transactions easier and a lot faster. However, because of so much dynamism and innovativeness of the internet, people have learned to abuse the use of it. In the workplace, using the… Read More

Meeting Etiquette

Office employees and business people attend meetings regularly. A meeting is a form of discussion over particular agenda where involved individuals are required to attend and brainstorm ideas. A facilitator is tasked to preside a meeting to generate a smooth flow and avoid conflict from start to finish. Despite its being a regular undertaking, not everyone likes to be part of meetings. There are individuals who hate the boredom and dullness in meetings. That is why some attendees would opt to keep silent the whole time rather than engage in… Read More

Email Etiquette

The advent of internet technology has been very dramatically beneficial in the communication aspect of business and personal life. People around the world are able to get in touch with each other through email and this has been by far very convenient for almost everyone to use in meaningful ways. Email is considered one of the most common and most important means of communication in a company. More than fifty percent of messages within and outside of the business are relayed through email. We may have been used to composing… Read More

Telephone Etiquette

Apart from email correspondence, the telephone is one of the most essential means of communication today. In business, people use the telephone as an important tool for relaying important messages. Therefore, office employees must possess proper telephone manners and etiquette. When your organization performs direct contact with your customers such as that of a telemarketing business, you should know how to make phone calls and answer calls with professionalism. Customers are the main source of income and the lifeblood of a business, and if they are not treated well even… Read More

Workplace Etiquette

All workplaces and organizations are grounded on acceptable work etiquettes. These ideal office manners define the behaviors of the individuals in a working environment regardless of the situation. Each and every employee whether a regular employee or part of the management, is expected to manifest good social behavior in the office. Workplace etiquettes can generate a great impact in the workplace. People in a certain company with poor etiquette are prone to conflicts and low work productivity. However, a workplace where individuals observe proper work etiquette is an avenue for… Read More

Communication Etiquette

Proper communication at workplace is crucial aspect. Businesses thrive and prosper with proper communication internally among employees and externally with customers or clients. Constant and active communication creates understanding among individuals and strengthens work relationships. As modern technology starts to dominate the manner of communicating in the workplace, interaction has become more sophisticated and becomes broader in coverage. At any rate though, working individuals should demonstrate proper etiquette in communicating regardless of the means or medium used to communicate. Determining the Right Tone for your Email Message Email messaging is the… Read More

Resume Etiquette

Job opportunities are readily available for potential candidates who have the passion and interest for the job. If you are a jobseeker, you have to realize that you are not alone in the search. The competition in the world of employment is tough and stiff. So many preparations have to be made and one of these is preparing your resume. The first step in seeking for a job is to list your potential employers and work that match your skills and abilities. Once you have made this list, you are… Read More

Interview Etiquette

Have you always dreaded job or work interviews because tension just gets into your nerves and sometimes you do not know what to do? Are you currently looking for work and preparing yourself for an interview? When we think of interviews, we immediately associate it with job application process. The fact is that interviews can happen anytime at work. In a work meeting or team discussion, the act of asking questions and interrogating is already interview in itself. But let us take the general and common concept of a typical… Read More