How To Earn More Money With Your Career

How To Earn More Money With Your Career When you work, your goal is to make money. The only time that money should not be a serious issue is when you are making enough of it to support yourself and your family. Once you get to the point that you have saved up a large amount of money, you can focus on making contributions in your career field. This is one of the reasons why people who have made enough to retire continue working. They are not in it for… Read More

How To Reach The Top Of Your Career

How To Reach The Top Of Your Career If you want to reach the top of your career, there are a number of qualities you will want to develop early on. Mastering these qualities will make the difference between becoming an executive or staying an employee. Even if you are currently at the bottom of the corporate latter, it is important to understand how your company operates. Even if you work in a specific department, why not talk with people who work in other departments? Talking to people in other… Read More

How To Successfully Change Your Career

How To Successfully Change Your Career Many people find that they must change their careers for a variety of different reasons. Some of the reasons for career changes include layoffs or bankruptcies. Changing your career in a situation like this can be very difficult, and you may be prone to making irrational decisions. There are a few things you can do to make your career transition as painless as possible. The first thing to remember is that you should never stop learning under any circumstances. Many people get comfortable with… Read More

How You Can Deal With A Difficult Boss

How You Can Deal With A Difficult Boss Almost everyone has worked at a job in which they had to deal with a difficult boss. Perhaps you’re in this situation right now. Dealing with a boss who is controlling or petty can put you under a lot of stress. Your boss may even take credit for the things you’ve done, or they may be terrible at communicating with you. If you’re in this situation, you may not know where to turn, and quitting your job may not be a viable… Read More

The Importance of Career Counselors

The Importance of Career Counselors Career counselors are individuals who are trained to help you make good choices about career goals, and they can help you lay down a plan to achieve these goals. Traditionally, career counselors were used primarily in high schools and colleges. However, their use has increased in popularity within a wide number of fields. Many people who are looking for jobs are using career counselors to make themselves more marketable. As with many different industries, the ideal characteristics of career counselors have changed through the years.… Read More

Does a Higher Education Mean Higher Pay?

Examining the Real Cost and Benefits of a Master’s Degree Congratulations. You’ve just graduated from college, have a degree in hand, and posses the one thing that almost every college graduate is familiar with—debt. So, armed with your new education, a strong desire to jump into the working world feet-first, and an even stronger desire to start paying off student loans, you decide to immediately start working. But wait! What if becoming a working stiff before the ink on your sheepskin has dried doesn’t appeal to you? What if you… Read More

Bachelor of Science Career Possibilities

Bachelor of Science Career Possibilities It’s hard enough to wade through the endless stream of information at college without having to decide what type of degree you want. After all, shouldn’t you just have to pick a major and be done with it? Not only do college students have to pick a primary area of interest, they have to decide HOW they want to spend their academic years in that area. And, with college costs soaring, this decision is commonly based on what careers can be had with the different… Read More

Career Opportunities With a Bachelor of Arts Degree

Career Opportunities With a Bachelor of Arts Degree In the late 20th century, technology increased exponentially, while productivity (the amount of wealth created per capita) did not keep pace. What does this mean to someone determining whether or not to get a liberal arts degree? It means that, while technological change in society is inevitable, it’s only ONE factor in economic growth. Even more, the workplace of today is one that is constantly changing. As a result, employers are looking for candidates that are well rounded and capable of adapting… Read More

Career Strategies for Women

Career Strategies for Women You’re a smart woman. You’ve acquired your top quality education, gained some valuable work experience, and have a multitude of skills to offer the corporate world. You interview well, have a professional appearance, and rival some of the best managers in the industry. Yet, time and time again, you are either passed over for employment opportunities or underpaid. What gives? Many would contend that it’s a man’s world out there. Despite the fact that women have come a long way in the corporate world, they still… Read More

Get Your Foot In The Door With A Great Cover Letter

Get Your Foot In The Door With A Great Cover Letter Many business professionals believe that submitting their resume is all there is to making a good impression with a prospective employer, but that just is not the case. Many employers will look for cover letters before they ever get to the resume. If there is no cover letter, the resume does not get the time of day. If the cover letter is not well written, the resume never sees the light of a day. How well you write a… Read More

Cover Letters : Are They Really That Important?

Cover Letters — Are They Really That Important? You are looking for a job and have your resume all ready to hand to potential employers at your first interview, but what are you missing? The answer is a really great cover letter. Many job applicants make the mistake of simply carrying a resume with them to job interviews and never even think about a cover letter thinking that it isn’t really that important because all of the pertinent information is in the resume. However, this is a mistake because cover… Read More

So You Thought You Wanted To Be A Teacher?

So You Thought You Wanted To Be A Teacher? It’s never easy when you realize that you went to school to get a degree and learn about something that you end up not liking. There are more people out there that dislike their job that you would think; many of them just don’t want to admit it. It’s hard to admit that you spent all that time (and money!) getting a degree and now you can’t stand what you are doing. Many people who go into teaching deal with this!… Read More

Why On Earth Would You Go Into Retail With A Business Degree?

Why On Earth Would You Go Into Retail With A Business Degree? Sometimes, we pick a major or degree program because it sounds like the ideal degree for us. But, halfway through school, or perhaps even after graduation the realization hits us that we no longer want to do what we set out to do. Well, you need a job to pay the bills, so why not turn to retail? While many people do not consider retail a career, it can be a very lucrative career when you have a… Read More

Breaking Into The Entertainment Industry With Your Degree

Just about everyone has dreamt of being a rock star, a movie star, or even a world famous author but not very many people actually get to experience such a life. With the right college degree you can get pretty darn close to these people though, and you can make a decent living, as well. Many people find their way into the entertainment business on accident, but if you plan well you can end up there on purpose and succeed beyond your wildest imagination. You don’t have to have an… Read More

You Have Your Psychology Degree, Now What?

You Have Your Psychology Degree, Now What? Psychology can be an intimidating field to go into because it’s very competitive, you may have to think about insurance, dealing with sick people, and it costs a lot to get such a degree! Obtaining a psychology degree is probably your biggest achievement to date, so you should be excited about putting your education to good use with a job of your choice. There are many different directions you can take with a psychology degree under your belt; you just have to go… Read More

Don’t Know What To Do With Your English Degree?

Don’t Know What To Do With Your English Degree? An English degree can guarantee you a great career if you know what you will do with it. Yet, many college graduates have a degree in English and aren’t quite sure what to do with it. Unfortunately, an English degree isn’t all that rare, so you won’t find that most employers stop in their tracks when they see that you’ve obtained such a degree. It’s not to say that graduating with such a degree isn’t an awesome achievement, you just need… Read More

Adapting To The Real World After College

Adapting To The Real World After College College students often get so wrapped up in the education process that they cannot see beyond their schooling and this can be a costly mistake. While the education process is important, you need to keep your eye on the prize, which is a great job that you believe you will love. Many college students struggle with the move from the college world to the “real world” of the world that requires them to put their education to good use. The real world often… Read More

What Employers Are Looking For During The Interview Process

What Employers Are Looking For During The Interview Process Interviewing can be difficult, but when you know what employers are looking for the task suddenly becomes manageable. Interviewing well is not just about experience, the ability to do the job, or the skills and education you have acquired it’s also about your ability to sell yourself to your prospective employer. While every employer has specific things that they are looking for in the way of past experience and education, almost all of them look for similar things in the people… Read More

Do You Really Want To Freelance?

Do You Really Want To Freelance? So many writers or those with journalism or English degrees decide that they want to work for themselves or as independent contractors for other people. Freelancing is a good idea in theory to most people, but it’s not as simple as it all seems. Freelancing provides many people with a source of pride and independence that they crave, but other people find that they feel lonely and overwhelmed and just can’t keep up. Freelancing is work just like everything else, but when you aren’t… Read More

Increase Your Earning Potential With Distance Learning

Increase Your Earning Potential With Distance Learning Many people find that they need or want more education once they begin working, yet it can be difficult to fit in more education once you begin working. A lot of people usually settle for the job that they have, the position that they have, and maybe even the pay that they aren’t satisfied with because they don’t know how to fit in the education. Yet, there is a way to further your education without stressing, taking away time from your job or… Read More

Is The Workplace Really Welcoming To Women?

Is The Workplace Really Welcoming To Women? Women in the career place have really made great strides in the last twenty to thirty years. Many still argue that women are not treated fairly in the workplace, but sadly this can be said about all minorities. The great thing is that today women can find their place in any career that they choose, as long as they have the motivation to succeed. Discrimination and glass ceilings are still very real, but if you know how to confront these issues you can… Read More

What To Do After Graduation

What To Do After Graduation What you do after graduation will depend on whether you already have a job or not. If you have a job you have certain decisions you need to make about whether or not you want to stay where you’re working and if you’ll want to ask for a raise. If you don’t have a job you need to get busy writing a resume and applying for jobs so you can start paying the bills. After graduation you’ll be looking at the beginning of your career… Read More

Continuing Education: Moving Up The Corporate Ladder Despite Your Age

Continuing Education: Moving Up The Corporate Ladder Despite Your Age The workplace often gets less comfortable and more competitive as you get older, though it doesn’t seem like it would. With many careers now, employers are able to hire younger employees to do the same job, with more recent education, for less money. This is a great thing for employers, but this is a bad thing for established employees that may not be up to date with education though they have been working loyally for the company for years. Many… Read More

Staying Afloat In The Changing IT World

Staying Afloat In The Changing IT World Jobs in the IT or information technology field almost always guarantee decent salaries, constant work, and an interesting work environment so they are attractive to many college graduates. Unfortunately, the longer you work in the IT field the more you’ll realize that you can easily get lost in the shuffle as new people come in and have more knowledge about newer technologies, standards, and the future of the IT field. The great thing is that you can stay afloat in the IT world… Read More

Breaking Into Your Field Of Interest With Education And No Experience

Breaking Into Your Field Of Interest With Education And No Experience Getting a job after college can be a scary experience for just about everyone, especially if you have little or no experience in your field of interest. However, just because you do not have experience in your field doesn’t mean you should expect to get a less than satisfying job, you just need to plan ahead for every interview and put your best foot forward. Employers know that everyone has to start somewhere, and while most like to see… Read More

Break Out Of The Rookie Mold

Break Out Of The Rookie Mold Breaking into the career of your choice can be difficult when you have had very little experience. College graduates are often thought of as the new kid or the rookie, but there are some things that you can do to avoid this label, because once you’ve been given this label it’s really hard to get rid of it, even if you aren’t the new kid anymore! Your best bet is to go in with the right attitude and avoid the new kid or rookie… Read More

Approaching Prospective Employers With Confidence

Approaching Prospective Employers With Confidence A first impression is everything, and by the time you graduate from college and head out into the real world you know this. When you are ready to land your dream job, or even a job that will lead to your dream job, you need to be confident. Sometimes, education isn’t what it’s all about. Some of the most well educated people are not at all confident and they have a hard time finding a job. You need to know yourself and your best attributes… Read More

Memory Training for Students

Memory Training for Students:  If you are a student, you know how difficult it is to stay up all night and cram for a big exam.  For many people it is very difficult to remember so many definition, terms and names. But, what if you had a great system to remember everything you studied,quick and easy.  Not only would your grades be off the charts, but you could cut your study time by not having to visit over and over information that you have trouble absorbing.  With memory techniques, you… Read More

Is It Really a Better Offer?Comparing Compensation Packages

Comparing Compensation Packages When considering whether or not to leave one job for another, one of the most important things to consider is how your current compensation package stands up against the new offer. Unfortunately it’s no longer as easy as comparing salary to salary. Most companies today offer stock-options, stock grants, and long and short term incentive plans that usually have vesting schedules that can vary widely. Health insurance, flex schedules, tuition reimbursement, travel expenses, 401k’s, company cars etc. all make it just a little more difficult to know… Read More

Getting Paid What You’re Worth

Don’t be afraid to negotiate. According to a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 90% of the professionals in the human resources industry agree that salaries, relocation cost, flexible work schedules, early salary reviews and/extra paid time off are negotiable. Given the recent economy, however, most professionals are simply accepting what the employer is offering, assuming that negotiating is not an option. The truth is, however, that if you aren’t comfortable with negotiation techniques, you just may be leaving money on the table. In the book,… Read More

Career Tips for Older Professionals

The old days of being rewarded for company loyalty have long passed and unfortunately as we age, we often become less valuable to our current employers. Companies looking to cut costs often choose the tenured, experienced employees as the first to go when they can hire younger workers who cost them less in terms of overall compensation packages and benefits. If you’re approaching middle age, however, there are a few things you can do to stay on top of your game and give yourself a little more job security. As… Read More

Targeting your Career and Your Audience

When writing a resume, professionals, especially those in the IT industry, tend to spend the most amount of time on the skills section. To be effective, however, a resume has to be much more than just a list of your abilities and accomplishments. As a matter of fact, one of the most often overlooked sections on the resume just might be the most important. Taking the time to write a resume that is targeted to your career, a particular position, and the audience that will be reading it, might slow… Read More

Can I Really Get a Signing Bonus?

It never hurts to ask. During the technology boom in the late 90s, signing bonuses were commonplace as companies looked for ways to recruit top IT professionals from their competitors. Although the market is not nearly as strong as it was then, signing bonuses seem to be making a comeback. In many cases, all it takes to get one is to ask and to convince the hiring manager that a few extra bucks will be the catalyst that will convince you to take the job. It’s important to realize, however,… Read More

Looking for a Promotion: tips to make it happen.

In the current IT climate, promotions are no longer being given away based solely on merit and we often watch as those less qualified seem to pass us up on the corporate ladder. Whether it’s already happened to you or not, there are a few things you can do to create and execute a plan that you will get you moving again. When attempting to climb the ladder in the corporate environment, we can often become discouraged when passed over for promotions. The key to success, however, is to stay… Read More

5 Steps to a Great Cover Letter

5 Steps to a Great Cover Letter While most professionals spend hours and sometimes days or weeks mulling over just how to create the best resume, surprisingly enough, those same people more often than not, don’t even give a second thought to including a cover letter. With the IT market as competitive as it is today, most IT professionals are finding that they’ve got to do something to make their resumes stand out in the pack. A cover letter is an excellent place to start. If your cover letter isn’t… Read More

Technical Writing: It might just be the foot in the door you need

Technical Writing:It might just be the foot in the door you need For new computer science graduates or even tried and true professionals, the opportunities in IT seem to be few and far between. If you’re looking to break into the industry, need a foot in the door at a large corporation, or are possibly considering a career change, technical writing could be just what you’re looking for. Technical writing isn’t always fun but can lead to other opportunities within an organization and will definitely provide the opportunity to mingle… Read More

How to survive the technological trend to offshore outsourcing

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, You Might have to Consider Joining Them How to survive the technological trend to offshore outsourcing Unfortunately for many professionals in the Technology industry, offshoring outsourcing IT work to India, Romania and other countries is on the rise. As corporations discover that they can get technical projects completed to their specifications for sometimes ridiculously low cost, odds are they’re not going to stop and consider the impact this trend will have on domestic workers. We’d be foolish to think that corporate America will actually forego… Read More

Do You Really Want to be an IT Consultant: The Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss

Do You Really Want to be an IT Consultant: The Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss At some point in every technical career, we come to a place where we start to visualize the glamourus world of independent IT contracting and consulting. We all know somebody who’s an IT consultant and as corporatations continue to downsize, our bosses fail to provide ideal working conditions and job security is no longer a given in any industry, more and more professionals are starting their own businesses as IT consultants or… Read More

Are You Really Listening: The Importance of Strong Communication Skills

Are You Really Listening The Importance of Strong Communication Skills for Advancement in the Technology Industry Let’s face it, when most people think of IT professionals, the image that comes to mind is the guy or girl with the glasses huddled behind a myriad of computer monitors, incapable of communicating with anyone other than their keyboard. In today’s competitive IT marketplace, this person also is exactly the type that no employer wants to bring on board and will, in fact, avoid at all costs. Strong communication skills are one of… Read More

Looking into the Crystal Ball: Technology and Trends in the IT Industry

Looking into the Crystal Ball: Technology and Trends in the IT Industry As the business world continues to evolve, outsourcing offshore hits all time highs, and technology continues to march on, many IT professionals are trying to peer into the future in an effect to identify trends in the IT industry and position themselves positively for the changes that are bound to come. To be honest, even with the saturation of IT professionals, the future shows some promise, as long as you’re ready and willing to adapt with the industry.… Read More

Get Microsoft Certified: Everyone else is!

Get Microsoft Certified:  Everyone else is! If you haven’t taken the time to earn your Microsoft certifications, you just may be severely limiting your opportunities in the IT industry. In the early 90’s there were only a handful of IT certifications available, in 2005 however, you’ll be hard pressed not to find one that fits your particular skill set. Although certifications are considered useless by some hard-core techies who don’t believe they need a one to prove their skill levels, the job market continues to remain competitive. The lack of… Read More

Caught in a Downsizing: Tips to help you regroup and head back into the IT market

In today’s economy and especially in the IT industry, it’s not at all unusual to meet professionals who are currently experiencing the frustration of seeking new employment after a downsizing or layoff. After the initial shock wears off, professionals in the IT market often find themselves attempting to negotiate in an arena many of them haven’t been in for years. In many cases, however, positive things can actually result from a layoff and once you get to a place in which you can appreciate them, it might not seem like… Read More

Importance of Body language in interviews

Interpreting your body language: Body language is one of the very powerful ways of communicating. When it comes to your career, especially while attending interviews, every small movement you make will amplify and suggest what’s going on in your mind. You might unknowingly minimize the chances of getting into a job that fits your profile because of faulty actions. Lets look at a few ‘wrongful actions’ commonly committed during interviews so that you can try to avoid them in your next interview. Face is the index of mind. Your face… Read More

Tips on How to face an Interview!

Author: Kamal, Bangalore Freshers. A JOB interview can be a nerve-wracking experience if you are not prepared and lack self-confidence. We present a few tips that will help you to brush up on your interview skills and come out as a winner from your next interview! 1. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. This will give you ample time to catch your breath, gather your thoughts and make a quick trip to the washroom to give your appearance one final check. To avoid unnecessary stress, choose your interview attire the… Read More

How to prepare for an Interview

How to prepare for an Interview – 2004/07/19 01:29  Pls. find some interview preparation tips given below, which may helpful for you. Point 1 : You need to prepare all the skills mentioned in your resume. Point 2 : Come up with the priority for all the skills that you need to prepare. If you are not sure, ask us. Point 3 : Make a time plan based on the skills priority. Point 4 : Go thru our interview questions package so that you will get some idea what types… Read More